Project Reality Review.

After a few PM requests and getting a lot of play time in himself, site director
at totalbf2.com finally got HKSniper to write a review on the very popular Project Reality v0.4 mod.

I hope You apreciate this heads up, and check it out.

HKSniper,13 Dec 2006 @ totalbf2.com wrote:

- Personally, I do not think I will ever go back to vanilla after playing this modification.
It's a job well done, and in it's current release is pretty much stable, and full of content. Do not over look this modification!
Click here to read the full review! >>

Source: totalbf2.com
who is HKSniper?
Missing, Presumed Dead

That looks seriously awesome.
But 1Gb? That'll take me about 7-8hours to download
+632|6656|do not disturb

I've had fun with it, expect the damn respawn times are so long. Was playing with DaReJa yesterday:D
Looks good.. very similiar to vanilla with a few nice exceptions.. the shoulder fired AA is nice and for a change it only takes ONE missile to down an aircraft. the lack of crosshairs will keep the arcade style players out and the long wait on spawn will keep the "bubblegummers" some place else. size of the file isn't bad when you consider the space required for bf2 itself.

Jedikiah gives it 2 thumbs up.
+72|6443|United States
Its a decent mod, I still like Vanilla more, but never the less PR is still an excellent mod.
if i download this does this mean my original bf2 will be messed up?

im_in_heaven wrote:

if i download this does this mean my original bf2 will be messed up?
You will in fact just have another game to play....

This mod is like any other BF2 mod (like Special Forces), and will be installed in you mod folder inside your battlefield 2 game folder....

You will however get a new desktop icon.
If you want to play vanilla you click the desktop icon for that, and if you want to play PR, You use the icon for that...
how many servers are there?
+1,175|6603|British Columbia, Canada

im_in_heaven wrote:

how many servers are there?

The one thing I really hate about this Mod is the Insane Respawn times..

I dont feel like waiting a minute everything I get shot in the face from a sniper 400 m away.

im_in_heaven wrote:

how many servers are there?
Right now there are around 80 servers...

Normally there are people on 10-15 or less....

Here is a complete list of Project Reality servers

This mod is so new, that the word has to get around... and people get the opportunity to test it..

When i say new, i mean that the new Project Reality has almost nothing to do with the old PRMM (mini mod).

LT.Victim wrote:

The one thing I really hate about this Mod is the Insane Respawn times..
I totally understand that point, but it's there for a reason....
First of all, you actually get a strategic value of killing the enemy, not just points.

You remove a treat from the battlefield for a longer period....
And trough this your team gets the advantage to cap an enemy stronghold....

You also learn to watch your life, and team up with medics....

Last edited by R@ge (2006-12-18 15:51:47)

You likey leaky?
+433|6719|In You Endo- Stoke
Looks really good,read the review and watched the vid.I will be downloading when i get home in the morning.

Is it the same as the other mods as it shows your rank but obvioulsy doesn't give you ranked points.

Reminds me of Operation flashpoint with better squad work.
1 mintue? lol it should at least be 30 seconds which is still a long time
i dont like the mod at all to be honest
you dont have any hud, so you never know how much ammo you have left or whats goin on.
you need 2 guys to drive a atank ?! ( i mean helloo)
you cant change view in vehicles and so on....
lots of things that make the mod pretty boring in my opinion
oh yeah and the respanw times
Real Хорошо
+826|6560|Adelaide, South Australia

HansMeiser wrote:

i dont like the mod at all to be honest
you dont have any hud, so you never know how much ammo you have left or whats goin on.
you need 2 guys to drive a atank ?! ( i mean helloo)
you cant change view in vehicles and so on....
lots of things that make the mod pretty boring in my opinion
oh yeah and the respanw times
You've obviously never played Red Orchestra.

im_in_heaven wrote:

1 mintue? lol it should at least be 30 seconds which is still a long time
Actually it is 30 sec., the guy who made the post about it being 1 min. was exasurating a bit.

Its way more realistic then battlefeild 2 in many ways, but I actually find it a bit boring. Some of you may rag on me for being a noob or whatever but I just don't like the mod for some reason.

A few more details on this mod is that is 1.6 gb, no parachutes, no rank(doesnt matter to me but others will be pissed since they like to be point whores), you must cap all the flags in order(e.g. Karkand, Hotel, Sqaure, Market etc.) and a whole bucnh of other things that will probably turn off about 70%(maybe even more) of the bf2 community off more the mod.
+269|6624|Marlton, New Jersey.
Downloaded it the day the minimod came out, and lets say, I enjoy playing it a ton because it actually makes you think, use teamwork, and plan because of things like the longer cap times, longer spawn times, etc....
U.S. > Iran

..teddy..jimmy wrote:

who is HKSniper?
Fun mod had it since release, cant wait for the next update! Its a really good mod you should give it a try.
+7|6490|New York
I enjoyed playing it a lot last night, I always thought that nobody played mods. But there's an ECGN 64 man server that I get 20 ping to so I'm h-a-p-p-y

I know this sounds strange and maybe childish but I like the blood in it I was just thinking the other day about how BF has no blood and I don't miss it but not to be sick or anything, but when you shoot the enemy and there's a spray of blood its pretty cool..For some reason MP games have been lacking blood, I guess its so they can put a "T" rating.

Last edited by SlightlySto0pid (2006-12-19 04:37:59)


{uscm}Jyden wrote:

Is it the same as the other mods as it shows your rank but obvioulsy doesn't give you ranked points.
We have our own ranking system, and you will get your points recorded on many servers.. Not all servers is ABR ranked though..

See the Project Reality World ranking list here

demois411 wrote:

A few more details on this mod is that is 1.6 gb, no parachutes, .................................),
you must cap all the flags in order(e.g. Karkand, Hotel, Sqaure, Market etc.) and a whole bucnh of other things that will probably turn off about 70%(maybe even more) of the bf2 community off more the mod.
Only Spec. Ops have parachute and  if you don’t like AAS gametype you probably don’t like it at all….
This is just the most realistic modification available today, and it’s not made for everybody….

"It's for those of you who seek intense realistic, tactically based, and heavy on teamwork game play."

it's for example pretty obvious that anybody who love "run and gun" games may have problems with Project Reality....

That is indeed just a matter of taste, and you may not like realistic game types...

Last edited by R@ge (2006-12-19 06:10:57)

+3,611|6662|London, England
It's fun and some serious changes are being made in 0.41, right now it's still abit too noob/infantry freindly. Just use the M4 or RPG and you'll realise. Only reason i play it alot is becuase there's none of that random deviation crap, bullets go where you point the gun. That's the only thing that pisses me off in vBF2.

Last edited by Mekstizzle (2006-12-19 07:40:44)

I know its reality but its not fun to be waiting for 1 min to respawn 
+3,611|6662|London, England
It's actually 30 seconds + number of deaths in seconds. So if you've died 3 times so far, then you get shot down again, your respawn would be 30 seconds of "Critically Wounded" and 4 seconds of "Killed"

[n00b]Tyler wrote:

I know its reality but its not fun to be waiting for 1 min to respawn 

Mekstizzle wrote:

It's actually 30 seconds + number of deaths in seconds. So if you've died 3 times so far, then you get shot down again, your respawn would be 30 seconds of "Critically Wounded" and 4 seconds of "Killed"

"So if you have died 30 times, you would respawn after 60 seconds....."

Our server use 45 sec start delay and 30 sec spawn delay....

Squads up with medics, stop lone wolf'ing, and play as a team......
....and you will never look back again....

Taste our reality, and vanilla will never taste the same...........

Last edited by R@ge (2006-12-19 08:12:11)

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