Choclot wrote:
I dont speak frikin mexican
Bennet, you are a really small insignificant human being, I hope you enjoy your pathetic BF2 account, it's all you have in life and it is all you will ever have.
On this forum you are a creation of our hatred, people now despise the culture of "wow my stats are amazing look at the pixels on my award", when you come along with an ego the size of Everest you embodied the entirety of this hatred. This means you are our creation, the level of annoyance you seem to relish in is only our doing, you are nothing, we do not care about your feelings or who you are, we simply use you to vent our hatred of the culture you now embody.
Walk away, you claim to be above everybody, so just go back to your over populated disease ridden city like a person with a higher intelligence than a garden gnome would.
Think about that one kiddo.