+1,230|6883|Alberta, Canada

i play a 32 player server 24/7 karkand, and the max points i got today IAR was 30 points, and that was as commander! i see these other guys raking in kills and getting 30, 40, 50, and even 60 points a round! i played around 6-7 rounds today and only got 90 in total. do i just suck, or should i go back to 16 player servers? i think i did better then than i do now...

Last edited by ryan_14 (2005-11-19 15:37:04)

The Sexiest Apocalypse
Damn that sucks. Obviously the longer you play, the better you get. I usually never get below 70 if I play the full round
Death StatPadder
+228|6809|Human Meat Shield
I asked this a while back too lazy to look for the thread, but they say play a 64 map with only 30 guys on it, or with alot of tickets 300, which I haven't found yet. And the reason you get 70 kills is because you are in a plane/helo or tank. I envy you.
your score per minute must be really low if youve only got 3,800 after 57 hours
From Israel with love
Ryan, be a medic or something and follow closely to your team. They will need help been revived once they have been killed, which will also give you points .
You do know that you get no points for kills when you're a commander right?
Death StatPadder
+228|6809|Human Meat Shield

jax wrote:

your score per minute must be really low if youve only got 3,800 after 57 hours
Knife Whore
Here are some good ways to get upwards of 50 points on various maps. I usually get anywhere from 40-80 points on City maps, and 70-100 on plane maps.
1) Play on a 64 Person Server
2) Be a medic on city maps. Great way to rack up the points
3) Dont be commander
4) Be an armor whore.
5) Be a plane whore
The Forum Alien
+89|6846|The planet Tophet
dude dont feel bad i suck at this game but i still love to play i usualy only get in the teens thats how bad i am
Tanks dude..

mooncricket wrote:

Here are some good ways to get upwards of 50 points on various maps. I usually get anywhere from 40-80 points on City maps, and 70-100 on plane maps.
1) Play on a 64 Person Server
2) Be a medic on city maps. Great way to rack up the points
3) Dont be commander
4) Be an armor whore.
5) Be a plane whore
the commander will usually take the gold in a 64 man server assuming there are no idles as the commanders score is the average of the teams score. zeros really put a hurtin on the commanders overall score.

medic by the hotel flag on mec in strike makes a lot of points, at the initial round start i usually run out there and throw mines at the entrances, this keeps the vehicles from passing and keeps the action at the first flag; then after i die i go medic and rake in the points.

oh and:

6) Be a chopper whore.
aim for the head
I am the pwnage! Bitches!
Well but commander don't get those double points to global points. If you are commander and you get like 50 points and you are in winner team, then you get 50 points to global and 100 to commander points. And what comes to *TS*tphai ... 1991 points in over 89 hours... Not for bad but that suck in this game as you said
And you don't need to be medic or tank, plane or chopper whore to get like 70 points in 1 round, and you don't need to be in 64 players server either. I'm mostly Assault or AT at the moment and I get 50-100 points/round in 32 player servers. I don't even play in those 64 player servers much just because those lag for me (I have only 1 gig of RAM =/) and when I go to 64 player server I mostly get near 100 points/round. You just need to kill that much players and it just need training. And learn to use grenadelauncher of Assault and you'll get damn much kills with Assault kit. And what comes to Ryan.. I see that you are not so good but I see also that you don't have so much deaths... So you are camping, right? Stop that camping and take some vehicle, go to some enemy flag, capture it and kill enemys. That's not so hard, but jesus... 0.39 kills/minute, that's bad and *TS*tphai... 0.11 kills/minute.. That mean 6.6 kills in every hour.. That's REALLY bad.
i like to sit in the busy section beside the hotel with nothing but the shock paddles, youll rack up plenty of points, if your MEC once the US have taken the hotel, then start killing, works for me anyways
Mad dawg
I would recomend spawn camping with a tank or an apc in a full strike at karkand map. All u guys will get better longer u play. And if u have fun playing then it doesnt matter how many points u get. Also if ur not that good with aim try using the support. Remember to lay down and jump when u see an enemy. When u lay down ur accuracy is at least doubled. and when u jump ur twice as hard to hit. Even if they call u a noob it doesnt really matter when u get better u wont have to jump as much. When u play strike at karkand on a 64 map or 32 i would recomend the assult and use the granade launcher and what u do is go on the usmc team and spawn to the right base and go ontop of that hill on the right of the little house thing. from that hill u can look down on almost the whole city. from there u us the granade launcher to kill people.     well thos are some of my ideas.
Aussie Outlaw
Shoot people, revive people, take flags, heal people... thats about it.
Got His War On
+37|6814|Golden, CO
The best way is to not die that much.  If you can stay alive during firefights, the your score will go up.
+1,230|6883|Alberta, Canada

thanx guys. my computer cant handle 64 player servers unfortunately, but i can play 32 player. but i seem to do better with 16 player servers than 32, because on 32, theres too many people around to kill you. im beginning to be a good support soldier, giving ammo like crazy. but im not very good as a medic, i always die when i run to revive sumone. but i guess thats the risk i take. im unlocking the l85a1 next, so i'll become more in love with the medic class. by the way jax, i dont play all the time, and im only get around 20 points a round. my SPM is like 1.1

and bluescreen, i dont camp, thats just how bad i am, i admit it. i guess i should start being a better medic, taking apcs and just capping the enmy flags. thanx guys.

Last edited by ryan_14 (2005-11-20 07:49:02)

Pump-Action Pimp
+16|6822|The Hague, Holland
The other day I got 87 in karkand, NOT as a tank whore I may add .
Tips :
Be a medic, heal and revive, learn the L8a and own the opposing forces.
Be a support class, PKM is short for Pwnage (or something)
And lest but defintly not least,
Be a sniper. I can get well over 50 as a sniper.
*Btw, skill needed for the Sniper hint:P*
Horseman 77
What they do to get 50 plus scores easy,
1 get in tank
2 move up to but don't turn flag.
3 BF2 has very few actaul spawn spots per flag so you can hang back and cover them all in a Tank,
4 then you just spawn kill.
5 When your tank gets Blown up respawn at that Spot becuase you know tank is about to respan also.
6 Repaet as often as nessasary.
Don't Flame
+20|6784|St. Paul, MN
umm, learn how to pwn all, like me! I got 247 points on Karkand once, I did everything, tanks, medic, gp ho, more medic, knifes, defibs , more defibs , more knifes , more medic...
but seriously you should try playing on 32 player servers or 16 player servers that run 64 player maps. It means you have 32 players playing with twice as many tickets as they should have! not quite as cool as before 1.03 when ranked servers could run 64 player servers w/600% ticket ratio (beyond fun) but it's similar.
once your skills and experience have matured more, try to find a few servers where you find yourself consistenly getting top scores, and stay there. My fav servers are mostly all 20-32player w/64maps like the uk ranked return to kill server or the ucs strike at karkand server. I actually see a fair number of top GR players like Sgt_MaxPower, NASTIE_BUTLER, and a few others. they're fun to play with on small servers because they rarely die and if you stick with them you probably wont die either.
"If what you say is true, the Shao Lin, and the Wu Tang could be dangerous..."
"Bring the mothafuckin ruckus!"

Last edited by Kkookie (2005-11-20 10:06:39)

The east-german Fuxxer
+37|6885|Germany / Saxony

ryan_14 wrote:

thanx guys. my computer cant handle 64 player servers unfortunately, but i can play 32 player. but i seem to do better with 16 player servers than 32, because on 32, theres too many people around to kill you. im beginning to be a good support soldier, giving ammo like crazy. but im not very good as a medic, i always die when i run to revive sumone. but i guess thats the risk i take. im unlocking the l85a1 next, so i'll become more in love with the medic class. by the way jax, i dont play all the time, and im only get around 20 points a round. my SPM is like 1.1

and bluescreen, i dont camp, thats just how bad i am, i admit it. i guess i should start being a better medic, taking apcs and just capping the enmy flags. thanx guys.
First i should say:
If  you wanna play medic, clear out the area from mostly all enemies before you revive. (hints are shown also at UBAR)
DonĀ“t unlock the l85a1, its a horrible inaccurate rifle. The standard are much better and more accurate (see also UBAR)
If you gonna be a tankwhore play as engineer and every time your tank gets damaged drive arround some corner and repair your tank, then drive out and do some frags again.
Its better if you have your wrench out when you get in the tank, because when getting out to repair your tank you must not switch to wrench. That saves important time....

IRNV-Field 3... New School Shit...
+2|6796|Lisse, Netherlands
wow *TS*tphai you suck pretty hard

LOGAN wrote:

mooncricket wrote:

Here are some good ways to get upwards of 50 points on various maps. I usually get anywhere from 40-80 points on City maps, and 70-100 on plane maps.
1) Play on a 64 Person Server
2) Be a medic on city maps. Great way to rack up the points
3) Dont be commander
4) Be an armor whore.
5) Be a plane whore
the commander will usually take the gold in a 64 man server assuming there are no idles as the commanders score is the average of the teams score. zeros really put a hurtin on the commanders overall score.

medic by the hotel flag on mec in strike makes a lot of points, at the initial round start i usually run out there and throw mines at the entrances, this keeps the vehicles from passing and keeps the action at the first flag; then after i die i go medic and rake in the points.

oh and:

6) Be a chopper whore.
off topic- do throwing ammo and medic bags give you resupply and heal points?
on topic- the most points i ever got without the help of a vehicle and not being commander was 49. i did this just because i was switched on that day and got lots of kills, but also doing lots of team things for your squad helps. be a utility player, ie theyre low on ammo- you spawn as support, they need an asset fixed- be engineer, need health- medic etc. even though being your favourite class is fun, cos thats what i usually just do, it doesnt always rack up many points.
Got His War On
+37|6814|Golden, CO
My high score is 99 that I got on Karkand.  Just basically go to the big fights and toss medkits and revive people constantly.  also, toss as many grenades as you can if you're not healing people.  Especially on 64 player servers, chances are good that there's someone coming around that corner eventually.

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