Warning: Massive post ahoy. If you want the condensed version feel free to skip to the very bottom for my clearly labeled summary:

This is my analysis of the latest creation by DICE, Battlefield 2142. My commentary is based both off time in the demo and a far greater chunk of time spent in the various stages of beta.

The airplane/attack chopper hybrid:

My oh my where did the skill required to use the air vehicles go? Where to start... well... this thing is the ultimate n00b mobile. The missiles that the main gunner fires don't even require you to get a "lock on" tone yet they automatically lock on to the targe (victim) you are pointed towards and track them effortlessly. Absolutely zero skill involved in using the primary missiles on this vehicle and absolutely nothing like using the rocket pods in a Battlefield 2 helcicopter. The handling on this vehicle itself is very bland. You're either flying forward at speeds a little slower than a standard BF2 jet or you're in an easy-mode hover that is quite quirky. Gone are the subtle handling traits found in the aircraft in BF2 that took experience and skill to master. Gone are the l33t skillful handling tricks you could perform while in a helicopter (such as a tight spin, a loop and a tight roll_. This aspect of the game has been dumbed down from Battlefield 2. The one aspect that is more difficult is the gunner TV missile. I think it's a little over the top though because as the most extreme ranges hitting with that missile is more luck than skill.

The transport plane/helicopter hybrid:

DICE was off to a good start with this thing. Unlike the horrible mistake the made in BF2 by nerfing BH minigun to uselessness, the guns on this thing do not suck. However they're definitely not prepatch BH either (which is also a good thing) but they're certainly decent and balanced. Having a great gun doesn't matter though when you're blasted out of the sky the second you slow down to the point where you can actually use them. Because lets face it you're a big easy target because the handling on this thing is absolutely terrible especially when you're trying to hover. The two modes of flight basically mirror the attack version because you're either flying forward at sub-jet speeds or in a clumsy hover that is constantly sinking downwards. As with the attack version absolutely no skill required to perform either of the maneuvering tasks in this vehicle and no room for improvement exists. However this vehicle makes a great instant Mech killer (more on that a little later).

Overall Surface versus Air balance (a major problem in BF2):

It's absolutely terrible but this time it's skewed in the favor of the ground. Either of the two base defense guns that litter the map absolutely rape anything that is airborne without breaking a sweat. A single BULLET from the EMP gun (which fires very rapid, has a target indicator, speedy rounds and is very accurate) drops an airborne vehicle out of the sky to an almost certain demise stuck on the ground to be raped (that is if you don't land flat and explode immediately). Even knocking airborne vehicles down with the very fast transport EMP is ridiculously easy. The titan air defense guns are particularly nasty and can shred a transport in about a second flat (but I expect them to be powerful). If you manage to survive all of these unavoidable ground based threats chances are the enemy attack chopper/plane hybrid will sneak up on you and unleash a volley of unavoidable rapid fire missiles. I have yet to see anyone rack up a reasonable score in either of these air vehicles and as far as I can tell they're pretty gimped overall aside from the obvious function as a source of fast transport (especially to an enemy titan). When the portal hand-held anti-air missile unlock is added in that'll be the deathblow to all air vehicles especially on larger servers.

My biggest problem with what DICE did to air vehicles is this: They dumbed them down. So now ANYONE can fly these things and make them work but on the flip side the almost unlimited potential found in the BF2 vehicles to take them to the next level is gone. This again is DICE appealing to the casual gamers and making this game more friendly to the newbies. This creates a shallow gameplay experience that ultimately will hurt the casual gamer as much as the pro gamer.

The futuristic tanks:

I've got mixed feelings about the armor in this game. On the one hand I absolutely love the movement of the hover tank and the skill involved in controlling it but on the other hand I absolutely hate how badly they've nerfed this vehicle down. Essentially they removed the machine gun from the main gunners seat and put it on the top of the tank. Because of this change in armor firepower you now need two coordinated players working together to make a tank a viable offensive element (but even then the totaled kills would probably be higher if both were playing infantry). You've gotta have the main gunner for dealing with the armor and splash damage vulnerable infantry and you've got the  machine gunner for dealing with infantry you can't hit with splash which accounts for the majority of encounters. So DICE has tossed yet another vehicle to the fire that is "teammate incompetence". Get a crappy gunner? Too bad because at that point you're pretty much boned.

The few times I attempted to solo a tank worked out "ok" but I encountered a huge problem. When I'd switch to my machine gun on top to dispatch infantry some random jackass would hop in the drivers seat and go run us in to the nearest lake, river or enemy mech. The other problem is the reverse as I'd get some random n00b in the top of my tank who can't hit the broad side of a barn and thus I'd  lose control over the machine gun until he decided to hop out and thus lost the effectiveness of  the tank. That sort of dynamic sucks and it'll make the tanks in this game as worthless as the attack choppers in BF2 when you get stuck with one incompetent teammate. The survivability on these tanks is fairly low and once jihaders, c7, anti-material rifles, land mines and all of the other toys get added in to the mix they'll likely become death traps. Also one shot in the back from a missile, base defense turret, enemy tank ect.. ect.. will instantly destroy the tank which seems a little excessive. Should've been more like 75% damage from a rear shot.

The nitros powered futuristic jeep:

Believe it or not this is probably the best vehicle in the game and I managed to get my best score using this vehicle as I'd use it a lot like I'd use a tank in BF2. It's extremely fast so  you can evade rockets and heavy armor and get from point A to point B very quickly. The machine gun is deadly in fact it's every bit as good as the machine gun in a tank if not better and you  are protected when using it (unlike the BF2 jeeps). It's also extremely available and respawns very quickly. I managed to rack up almost 70 kills in this thing with only a couple deaths in a fairly quick round. However using this thing in an offensive fashion it suffers the same  pitfalls as a tank when random players hop in to it. Why is a jeep the best offensive vehicles in the game? Bad game design of course. I also think this thing is a little too fast (making jihading even more overpowered than it is in BF2). They should've kept the speed of the jeep in the same butter zone of the vodniks and hummers. Not too fast, not too slow.

The mech: … mothra.wmv

This vehicle is a huge disappointment. Wasn't this thing supposed to be badass? With a lack luster cannon and some n00b friendly anti-armor missiles. It seriously lacks firepower considering how limited it is in terms of movement. I'm not sure how these anti-armor missiles work as it seems they lock on to the target. C'mon DICE what's the problem with making missiles that fire straight ahead and actually take skill and aiming to use? It's extremely vulnerable to jihad (pretty much impossible to stop). It's  extremely vulnerable to C4 in general. It's slow. It's cumbersome. It is wracked with all sorts  of annoying bugs where it starts to slide or cannot walk properly. A non-retarded hover tank  driver can own two mechs without breaking a sweat. And if you really want to destroy this  useless vehicle nothing is quite as lame or quite as effective as simply taking the  instant-respawn transport aircraft and slamming it directly in to the mech. Instantly destroys  that worthless pile of junk and then the driver has to sit around waiting 3 or 4 minutes for it  to respawn. I'm being honest when I say you're probably better off in a jeep if you want an  effective offensive vehicle that doesn't have a giant "kick me" sign attached to it.

The futuristic APC:

Don't get me wrong on my stance on the APC. I don't expect this to be solely an offensive vehicle but I do expect it to mirror the functionality of the APC in Battlefield 2. In Battlefield 2 an APC is both an effective transport for your teammates and an effective offensive vehicle can defend itself. This is another vehicle that makes me want to go "WTF DICE?". It's grenades are uber powerful, its machine gun is also very powerful. However its greatest strength is also its greatest weakness. This vehicle acts as a mobile spawn point. Sounds great for teamwork in paper but it doesn't work like that. As a result any attempt to use this vehicle in an offensive fashion (using the grenades and driver seat together with one person) will result in someone rudely spawning in the vehicle and taking it for their own purposes. The spawning ability should be an asset but sadly in a lot of scenarios it is more of a burden. The EMP secondary fire on this thing is also a little unbalanced. You can pop air vehicles out of the sky without breaking a sweat and can essentially keep a Mech permanantly asleep. No defense versus the EMP exists and it is even a horrible griefing device as you can fire it an teammates over and over again without and consequences (the amount of times I encountered this in the demo was disturbing).

The base defense railgun:

This thing is fun to use but it's grossly overpowered. What do you get when you take an armored  vehicle, a TOW missile and a sniper rifle and blend them all together? You get this base defense gun. It makes short work of just about every single target on the battlefield (or flying above it) and leaves you fairly well protected from previous stationary defense threats that provided balance (such as snipers). With just one of these things I was able (at range) to destroy two mechs and a EU tank before they could reach me. I killed the first mech with 2 shots (it was wounded), the second mech with three shots and destroyed the tank with a single shot to its rear as it was navigating around a nearby obstacle.

The active defense system:

On all vehicles you can throw up this shield. It's a great gameplay element IMO and it adds a very entertaining and skillful element to vehicle versus vehicle combat. A great addition to the game but sadly this imprvoement is overpowered by the crappiness of everything else vehicle related.

Overall vehicle balance summary:

It's not very good. Vehicles are basically nerfed point wise as you can't kill many more people than you can kill playing as infantry but you can't get crap for teamwork points, and at only 1 point per kill you'll have to kill about 80 players to reach the top of the scoreboard. Overall based on the nerfing they took and the huge amount of counters available vehicles in this game are fairly useless when facing a competent enemy team.

Orbital Strike:

What happens when thousands of Battlefield 2 players whine over and over again because they're too dense to avoid the very lethal Artillery strike? DICE makes Orbital Strike. I can see the initial concept between Orbitial Strike but it is thus far a failure. Instead of having 1 shell that kills a fairly large area instantly have a lot of lower damage shells. The problem is players are no longer punished for camping and no longer punished for clumping up in big groups. Orbital Strike really is really very pathetic. Many times a commander put Oribital Strike right on my head and I didn't even bother moving because the chances of me dying are very slow. But fact is if you aren't lazy like me and you move out of an Orbital Strike your chances of death are basically zero. The only way an Orbital Strike can ever kill you is if one of the shells hit you directly in the skull but chances of that happening are very low.

The infantry combat:

Infantry combat is probably my biggest disappointment so far. Even with all of the sprint, movement upgrades, light weapon and light armor it still feels like your soldier has two left feet. It's difficult to explain but the movement feels clunky and it absolutely ruins the infantry experience for me (BF2 does NOT have this problem). The best comparison I can think of comparing BF2 infantry combat to BF2142 infantry combat is Quake 3 versus Quake 4. The infantry combat is sluggish.  The infantry movement is very slow and cumbersome and it feels  nothing like the incredible infantry movement found in BF2. Skill is not nearly as important  because in addition to the dumbed down infantry movement almost all of the weapons lack any sort of requirement to control your recoil or deviation. The weapons are mostly inaccurate which makes the spray n' pray tactic just about as good as going in to a single shot mode and aiming for a headshot (for the weapons that have a single shot that is).

For example in Battlefield 2 I'd use my various movements and tie them together in a fluid fashion and an offensive motion. Going from a sprint to a jump down to a prone up to a crouch back in to a sprint all while strafing. Then I'd spot a target and drop down, take aim at either the head or chest region, control my firing  rate to keep my deviation low, compensate for recoil and introduce additional movement in to avoid obstacles. No I'm not whining that they removed "bunny hopping" or whatever you'd like to call it but rather that the movement aspect has been dumbed down. Like it or not initiating these complex movements in BF2 required skill and it gave the infantry combat some real depth. In Battlefield 2142 all that infantry skill goes out the window. Infantry combat has basically been simplified to where you move forward without any fancy footwork till you find an enemy at which point you then drop down to prone, Spray N' Pray and hope the game gives you the better roll of the dice and some lucky heatshots. Simply put infantry combat in BF2142 is a huge step backwards from infantry combat in BF2 and a huge turn off for a player who appreciates skillful infantry combat with depth such as myself. To make matters worse a lot of  the PAC/EU weapons are poorly balanced. For example the PAC support LMG is vastly superior to the  EU support LMG. This issue effects all weapons to some extent but obviously won't be a huge issue when unlocks come in to play. On one positive note the grenade spamming problem found in BF2 does not seem to exist in 2142. Infantry combat in 2142 is great for the weekend gamer though because it's a heck of a lot easier and thus lessens the gap between the amazingly skilled player and the mediocre casual gamer.

The unlock system:

One of the few aspects in BF2142 that is superior to BF2 on the surface. But fact is it's all a bit of a gimmick because after about a week after the 2142 release everyone will have all of the good unlocks and will all be using the same uber configuration. If anything all this system does is encourage the power gamers such as myself to gain an unfair advantage over the casual gamer who doesn't know any better. All of the unlockable weapons are clearly better than the standard weapons and thus all these weapons become is a temporary unfair advantage veteran players get over the newer players. In a way DICE is exploiting the desire people have for the "ultimate" gun and all the proof you need of this is all of these preorder deals for special weapons. In BF2 the unlocks were no necessarily better but bring something different to the table. It's clear they got the unlock/standard weapon balance near perfect in BF2 because almost all weapons (both unlock and standard) are popular.

The classes:

Another improvement over BF2. DICE did a fairly good job balancing the classes by merging the inferior classes (assault,  engineer, spec-ops, anti-tank, sniper) in to each other. That doesn't mean all classes are created equal however. The medic (now assault) is still by far the best infantry class. Maybe not in the demo but in the full version when they get the shock paddles,  a nice rifle and grenades they'll be the same "top of the food chain" class they are in BF2.

The eye candy:

The game looks a little better than BF2 with additional particle effects (explosions look nice) and higher polygon models but as a result doesn't run as well as BF2 does. A trade off. But I'll always personally take superior gameplay over more eye candy.

The server browser:

A definite improvement over BF2. The BF2142 server browser now allows you to have a buddy list and overall seems far more stable and efficient than the BF2 browser. While the server browser has improved stability and function they also made some perplexing changes that make the browse worse. For example: You can't single click on a server to refresh it and the pings are now poorly represented by colored lights. Yes I know in favorites you can see ping but that's annoying having to add a server to your favorties just to see the real ping on it. And no DICE I don't consider a server with 130 ping to be "green". Still this server browser may be an improvement over the BF2 browser but compare it with an amazing and intelligent browser like the Steam engine browser and you see how primitive it still is.

The load times:

Obviously BF2 is doing something wrong at the most basic level because the 2142 load and verify times are a quater of the time they are in BF2. A definite improvement.

Titan mode:

Simply put this mode could've been great but instead is a giant failure. Loaded up with a ton of nasty bugs it almost isn't worth playing. It's also extremely dissapointing DICE (due to lag issues no doubt) has decided to limit the maximum number of players in Titan mode to 48 (for those of us who like 64 player games). The titan dynamic splits up the battle even more and makes the fire fights less intense, this problem is made worse by a maximum number of 48 players on a large map. The titan battles however can be very intense but more in a negative way than a positive way. They basically turn titans in to giant camp fests with support players lining up in long hallways ready to mow down the invading horde for easy points. The titan point whore fest makes Karkand loot tame by comparison. To make matters worse the lag onboard the titan is unacceptable. When the titan is moving and people are attempting to battle onboard it gets really bad as it's too much data for the server to handle. The camping won't be such a problem with the unlockable grenades but the issue of the the titan battles splitting up the population of a server and the battles themselves being buggy point whoring lag fests remains.

The titan itself:

The titan guns are fun to shoot and do take a bit of skill to use on long distance or moving  targets. It's certainly not fun to have them raining down on you though. When using those titan guns I feel a bit like a kid roasting ants with a magnifying glass. However a single enemy tank can destroy every turret on the underside of a titan in about a minute flat. You don't even need a tank as a supply crate + engineer does it just about as fast. So it's kind of  a "Meh" element that doesn't really do much overall for the gameplay positive or negative.  However a definite negative element to the titan guns is not being able to switch freely between them without losing your seat. For example I'm in the bottom gun shelling an enemy base but I see an air transport approaching our base so I hop in to one of the air defense turrets to destroy it. After I've dealt with it I go to switch back to cannon and wouldn't you know it... some random n00b has hopped in the only titan gun facing an enemy base (the gun I was just in a moment ago). Yes I know I have no more right to use it than he does but this fighting over the gun with the best view is an annoyance to be sure and wastes a lot of valuable manpower.

The map design:

The map design in this game thus far is "reasonable" but inferior to the majority of the maps found in Battlefield 2. The one element of the maps I absolutely dislike is the fact they are so dark and dreary when compared to the original BF2 maps. I love bright colorful maps (think DE_DUST) but the whole Battlefield 2142 map design seems to be going in the opposite direction (maybe an attempt to make the bright dynamic ads stand out?). I have the distinct feeling 2142 will have a Karkand style map that will become ultra popular due to sheer number of point whores and all of the rest of the maps will become virtually unplayed. This isn't so much the fault of DICE but I felt I'd point it out.

The inexcusable:

This game uses the BF2 engine and thus it inherits many of the unfixed issues associated with it. Griefing in this game is easier than ever. In my short time in the demo alone I had numerous people slam in to the back of my hover tank with their nitro powered jeep instantly exploding and punishing me. TKing for vehicles is every bit as bad as it was in BF2. Still no proper vehicle management system (where the driver can remove passangers). The same crappy hitboxes with hit detection issues plague BF2142 same as BF2. The hit detection seems to go a step further in BF2142 as I've noticed the tank shells seem to have a nasty habit of doing absolutely zero damage on a STATIONARY target even though you've scored a direct hit (indicated by the glow left by a shell impact).

The dynamic ads are another other inexcusable addition to the Battlefield series. These billboards are all over the place. In one location of the map you'll have to stare at over TEN  of these giant ads that are roughly the size of the side of an APC. They'll add connection lag and they'll chew up system resources that'd be much better spent improving the poor FPS this engine provides. Worst of all you get absolutely nothing from DICE as a result of these distracting ads that will net them millions. I could understand (and even support) such ads if this game was free but it's not. If I was to fork out the 50 bucks this game costs (which I won't be doing) I don't want to have to stare at these fu*king ads. I don't like being exploited and that is exactly what this ad system is: DICE exploiting their loyal fan base.


This game is a step backwards from the Battlefield series. The only kind of player this game will appeal to is perhaps the casual gamer who finds the gameplay in Battlefield 2 just a tad too difficult or maybe someone who is really burned out with BF2 and doesn't know that other fantastic games outside of the Battlefield series exist. DICE has failed to fix serious issues that still remain from the PREVIOUS Battlefield 2 game and with dynamics ads being forced down our throats on top of the inferior  gameplay my recommendation is to pass on this installment of the Battlefield series. I can pretty much guarantee right now that Battlefield 2142 will be nowhere near as successful as Battlefield 2 sales wise and chances are once all the smoke clears Battlefield 2 will be close to or even have a superior number of active players simply because it is a superior game in almost every way that counts.

I can't help but feel that DICE has seems to have gone astray and forgotten the key elements they introduced in BF1942 (one of the best games of all time) and is ruining the series as a result.

Last edited by PlaneWhore (2006-10-09 12:49:29)

The People’s Champion
+59|6480|A drop house
Good job.
Viking fool - Crazy SWE
+162|6585|Sverige (SWE)
Thanks.. good work.
+45|6625|Bristol, UK
Um, wow. I hope it isn't as bad as all that. I'll see for myself, if I can get the demo to install.

Last edited by Delphy (2006-10-06 09:43:31)

+515|6695|Loughborough Uni / Leeds, UK
Just an opinion, from someone who got carried away. Not a very good critic.
french canadians suck
Bf2 1.12 here I come.
I've been a gamer for almost 15 years. I'm not biased and honestly I wanted 2142 to be "the" game but sadly in my opinion it is inferior to Battlefield 2. Maybe in 2 years 10 patches later this game might be up to the level Battlefield 2 but as of right now I'd say that's a pretty accurate and fair review of 2142.

Last edited by PlaneWhore (2006-10-06 09:37:11)

+515|6695|Loughborough Uni / Leeds, UK
Fair enough....i really hope it isnt as bad as it sounds...

well downloading at 26kb/ i'm not going to know for a long time
downloaded it, tried it. didnt like it. can imagine if u spent a while on it the unlocks would be cool and if there was infantry only. but only as a variation of bf2. i dont think i'll buy it
+114|6791|England : East Yorkshire
ime having problems with thi sgame i keep geting kicked by punk buster ??
+2,382|6718|The North, beyond the wall.
I read it all but there is just one thing i don't understand.

Why is everyone getting their nipples in a twist over the ads?I mean,if you were the sales director or whatever at EA wouldn't you wan't to make money?I know i would.Companys need to make money,EA is no exeption.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|6787|The United Center
Another reason why I won't be buying 2142.
+416|6535|United States
i just really hate what they did to infantry

PlaneWhore wrote:

I've been a gamer for almost 15 years. I'm not biased and honestly I wanted 2142 to be "the" game but sadly in my opinion it is inferior to Battlefield 2. Maybe in 2 years 10 patches later this game might be up to the level Battlefield 2 but as of right now I'd say that's a pretty accurate and fair review of 2142.
Don't worry, I'm sure he just didn't like what he heard, so he criticized the person who wrote the review.
Luckily I'm the sort of gamer who plays for fun and dont notice little bugs. But I do think this game wont be as popular as BF2, it will be a bit like Vietnam was to 1942. Hopefully BF3 will kick ass with the new engine, just need a new war to base it on unless DICE start making the games futuristic.

I didn't think it was that bad.

One trivial thing imo was the fact that the game seems so monochrome, although everything looks chiseled and crisp.

I don't have a complete opinion of vehicles; the walker has more drama than ability, the buggy is fun.

I do agree with PspRpg-7, where it is inferior to bf2 ... it almost feels like a mod rather than a fresh game. I also think that by design .. you feel that they were holding out .. for future add on relea$es.

Last edited by jsnipy (2006-10-06 09:53:01)

J-10 whore
Is bunnyhopping still in?
+149|6588|USA bitches!
I still want the demo just to see what it's like. What does the demo actually consist of? I heard the BF2 demo was only Oman. Is this Titan exclusive? Or just some CTF shit?

Jenkinsbball wrote:

I still want the demo just to see what it's like. What does the demo actually consist of? I heard the BF2 demo was only Oman. Is this Titan exclusive? Or just some CTF shit?
what i played in the demo had no titan ... as oppsed ot the beta, which did
+1,230|6883|Alberta, Canada

Doesn't EMP stand for Electro-magnetic pulse? It shuts down anything electric within a vast radius (depending to the height that it is detonated).

But that's like an EMP bomb. How can your fire little EMP bullets?

Last edited by ryan_14 (2006-10-06 10:08:55)

so they did nerf the mech (it was a tank killer it could take out 2 tanks on its own easily in the beta) those fuckers

and tanks have shields so tank shells don't do damage if they're up (read inexcusable)

Last edited by manitobapaintballa (2006-10-06 10:09:53)


manitobapaintballa wrote:

so they did nerf the mech (it was a tank killer it could take out 2 tanks on its own easily in the beta) those fuckers

and tanks have shields so tank shells don't do damage if they're up (read inexcusable)
A mech can waste a tank point blank no problem but all a tank has to do is catch you at range (which isn't hard to do when you're a walking two story building) and then back peddle while firing at you and all you can do is retreat or die. On my very first round in the demo I grabbed a hover tank and encountered TWO enemy mechs. They both came at me at head on at full speed. I easily killed both of them simply by driving backwards and blasting them with tank shells. They failed to inflict even to 1 point of damage on my armor.

This is simply pathetic because the Mech is supposed a very limited yet very powerful vehicle but a simple hover tank outclasses them in just about every single scenario.

Last edited by PlaneWhore (2006-10-06 10:25:43)

+114|6791|England : East Yorkshire
Can some one help me please.. i play for like 2 min's then it kicks me for punk buster i dont understand. ?

james@alienware wrote:

Just an opinion, from someone who got carried away. Not a very good critic.
I don't think he got carried away. I agree with all the statements here. I read on other forums that this was "hopefully", not as bad as patch 1.3 BF2 (regarding crashes etc...)
I don't think that comparing anything with patch 1.3 is relevant. Yet, there is a lesson to be learnt here : EA/DICE gave us the worst gaming experience with 1.3, and now, some players' critic sense is lessend.
"A missing DLL at the instalation of the demo ? At least, that's not 1.3", "Crashes and connection losses ? Not as bad as in 1.3. And better loading times" etc, etc, etc...

"Demo" usually stands for "Demonstration", a display of qualities to make people buy stuff.
EA/DICE gave other meanings "Demotivation" / "Demobilisation".

I'll stick to BF2 and will wait until ET:QW comes out. I bet that their "Demo" will be WAY better than this gloomy crap.

Last edited by dead_rac00n (2006-10-06 10:18:15)

Choleric groundpounder
Good review. I only played the demo for like 2 hours (thanks to the disconnects), but I think you're damn right. +1 for the work

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