As this NDA kind of stops me from talking about anything that EA/DICE has not already shown you i can only post about the kind of stuff you already know (sorry i wanna stay in the beta program).

Bassicly i read alot of posts about people asking about the beta and yadda yadda yadda, so i will answer most questions i can without breaking the NDA and also give my opionons on some stuff.

I dont really know where to start this review but ill start it with the Battlefield 2 engine:

Well DICE seem to have really come to grips with the bf2 engine, it looks amazing on high with full AA but expect about 6 FPS whilst fighting in enclosed spaces, like Iron Gator for special forces, they sorted out the snow effects and to be honest it looks amazing.

It looks like they re-did everything texture wise aswell and it even looks nice on a low end rig and runs pretty smooth, my friends PC is not great tbh and he userally runs bf2 on all low settings with no AA, this is like-wise for the 2142 beta, but it looks alot better then bf2 does on low settings.

The engine still needs some tweaks (obviously) as its still in beta, but when 2142 should be released i would expect for all the little problems to be ironed out, and it will make great game play from a great engine if DICE get it right.


Ranks:  There are an awful lot of ranks within the 2142 beta and it looks like they will be there to stay, there is currently over 40 ranks but you rank up pretty quick from when you start out.

Unlocks:  With over 40 ranks, i bet your thinking you only get 20 something unlocks... wrong there are about 40 unlocks and choose them carefully, unlocks however dont give many advantages over stock weopons, they can more accurate but pack less of a punch.

Statspadding:  Knife and Pistol only servers, these are going to be a waste of time, and it is going to be really easy to spot padders now (this will make IndianShit happy) when you knife someone you get there dogtags, for each different person you knife you get thre dogtags, these are counted as unique dogtags, if you knife someone more than once these are counted as just dogtags.  So somebody with 150 dogtags but only 1 unique dogtag would raise alot of suspicion... get my drift here.

Pistol:  Well in knife and pistol you get to use a pistol whoopie, dont bother in 2142 they just plainly suck, i managed to kill one person with it after i wasted them with 3 clips of ammo, so it will be interesting to see how these work out...

Dogtags/Knife kills

Dogtags: Yay!, no.  As much as i like to go and rob a whole clan of there dog tags *cough 1Mc and =Kz=* i find them really annoying.  There is nothing like the rush of knifing a enemy its great it makes you feel good, its makes you feel like you owned them hard and tada there tags cover half your screen and your......... dead.  The only thing i can see a use for them at the moment is to distract you for a second, prehaps a option to make them smaller would be better...


Vehicles:  I cant comment on this much because EA/DICE hasnt and i like the beta . But i can say i think there alot of fun, and will add a big difference to how your team plays, if your team sucks and doesnt use vehicles, you will loose they are key to a victory.  At the moment i am very pleased with the vehicles and think they make a interesting change, i thought the mech would be all glitchy and even in the beta i think DICE did a great job coding it, its not glitchy or stuttery and is a great laugh.

Titan Mode

Titan Mode:  I cant comment on this much but what i can say is, its so much better than conquest.  Running around capping flags had no real meaning behind it in bf2 it was just something to do... 2142 cracks this huge gap that other games/mods where filling.  Titan mode is a hell of alot of fun and i dont think i will ever go back to playing conquest.

You have a mission to acheive in the titan mode, and thats to destroy the enemys titan.  There is more than one way to do this, either capture the missile silo's (this will take a extreamly long time to destroy there titan) or take the sheilds down and attack them from within.

God damnit EA/DICE cracked it with the fighting inside the titan, it makes for great play and it allways changes it wont bore you like conquest does, its fast fighting and if you dont pay attention for a split second you dead... (trust me i die a hell of alot but im still on a 2KDR i dont know how) Titan mode looks to be what everyone will be playing in 2142, not conquest.


I die shit loads in this game, i dont know why EA/DICE gave the beta to complete morons but i seem to be teamkilled more than i am killed by the enemy. seriously.

Either that or i kill my self in some fantastic way that im sure looks hilarious to somebody else.

Same principles in dieing in bf2, you got 15 seconds to be revived (dont count on it) or you respawn and have a death next to your name.  (exactly the same as bf2)


This is the part where i would have talked about alot more interesting stuff, but the NDA stops me from doing that, so when the public beta is out i will copy and paste what would be here..... (sorry folks)


Stats, they will be wiped at the end of the beta, would people please stop shitting there pants about other people that will be higher on the leaderboard before you can play the game and catch up with them.  Its retarded enough as it is that people care alot about stats and this wont change in 2142 the stats noobs and snitches will be here to stay.
Are the ragdoll physics more realistic than BF2?
M8 outstanding post and thanks for the insight +1

WiBu wrote:

Are the ragdoll physics more realistic than BF2?
Its the same engine, so they are physicly the same BUT they have improved them loads.

If you ask for a ride you wave at the person, so you can now run after the idiot who hasnt picked you up waving your arms about like a idiot.  That should be included in the game meanual and on the back of the case me thinks.

Yeah they have been improved you move your arms around and all kinds of other more relistic stuff.

The only problem i have with the beta at the moment is the colour of the teams, one team is dark grey one team is light grey, that adds up to alot of interesting team kills, which is probably why i am being tk'd alot.

Also when you cloak (like go invisible) your team mates will be like o shit ENEMY and pump you full of lead, this happened to me about a hundred times whilst taking a silo, adds up to be very very annoying.
what about spawn camping? any of that?

Hows the titan shields? some 1 said they sucked?

any hint of the overpowed class yet?

any Whoring?

and thanks for you comments so far +1
Is the MECH balanced or is it the doomsday weapon we see in the trailers?
(AT, Infantry killer and AA all in one)
Spawn camping doesnt happen at all on the titan, the enemy cant get to the spawn points at ALL.

Sheilds on the titan are fine, the person that said they sucked is a whiner.

No class is overpowerd it taks me a 15 bullets from any gun to kill someone, guns need to have more firepower, or bigger clip sizes, so nothing is over powerd.  Although rcon gets the cloaking device and knifing people with it is alot of fun.

At the moment there is no real whorring, the only whorring i see is the mech whorring 2 good guys in a mech will keep the enemys head down, plus there good as AA
2142th Whore

JaM3z wrote:

WiBu wrote:

Are the ragdoll physics more realistic than BF2?
Its the same engine, so they are physicly the same BUT they have improved them loads.

If you ask for a ride you wave at the person, so you can now run after the idiot who hasnt picked you up waving your arms about like a idiot.  That should be included in the game meanual and on the back of the case me thinks.

Yeah they have been improved you move your arms around and all kinds of other more relistic stuff.

The only problem i have with the beta at the moment is the colour of the teams, one team is dark grey one team is light grey, that adds up to alot of interesting team kills, which is probably why i am being tk'd alot.

Also when you cloak (like go invisible) your team mates will be like o shit ENEMY and pump you full of lead, this happened to me about a hundred times whilst taking a silo, adds up to be very very annoying.
waving? sounds like a stupid idea for a player who is sneaking around..
+45|6619|Bristol, UK
Well not really as you usually need a ride at your base, so it doesn't matter.
2142 Soldier: Behenaut
If you can answer: are the hellicopter\planes showing overpowerment? Or are they used differently all together from what we see in BF2?

MuseSeeker wrote:

If you can answer: are the hellicopter\planes showing overpowerment? Or are they used differently all together from what we see in BF2?
They are completly different, there kind of combined.

And no there not over powerd.
bad touch

in fact, they suck a large cock.

stryyker wrote:

in fact, they suck a large cock.
i thought they where pretty good, some guy called Infinity HaV0k just flew me around in one and he owns in them, lined me up for some TV shots and i mowed a few infrantry down with the machine gun, there a good laugh but you need serious team work to use em, and be a decent pilot.

I cant fly em for shit though

And the transport thing sucks major ballage
bad touch

JaM3z wrote:

stryyker wrote:

in fact, they suck a large cock.
i thought they where pretty good, some guy called Infinity HaV0k just flew me around in one and he owns in them, lined me up for some TV shots and i mowed a few infrantry down with the machine gun, there a good laugh but you need serious team work to use em, and be a decent pilot.

I cant fly em for shit though

And the transport thing sucks major ballage
the UD-12 is the new 1.03 blackhawk noob!

stryyker wrote:

JaM3z wrote:

stryyker wrote:

in fact, they suck a large cock.
i thought they where pretty good, some guy called Infinity HaV0k just flew me around in one and he owns in them, lined me up for some TV shots and i mowed a few infrantry down with the machine gun, there a good laugh but you need serious team work to use em, and be a decent pilot.

I cant fly em for shit though

And the transport thing sucks major ballage
the UD-12 is the new 1.03 blackhawk noob!
WTF are you on, those guns are like pee shooters with lazer blue bullets so you cant even see your crosshairs when you fire it.

I've never been revived.
Nice post. +1

So do you think 2142 is better then BF2 at the beta stage ? Or do you think it would be better when its fully made.

Can you like rate them out of 10 please ! I'm just curious mate.
bad touch

JaM3z wrote:

stryyker wrote:

JaM3z wrote:

i thought they where pretty good, some guy called Infinity HaV0k just flew me around in one and he owns in them, lined me up for some TV shots and i mowed a few infrantry down with the machine gun, there a good laugh but you need serious team work to use em, and be a decent pilot.

I cant fly em for shit though

And the transport thing sucks major ballage
the UD-12 is the new 1.03 blackhawk noob!
WTF are you on, those guns are like pee shooters with lazer blue bullets so you cant even see your crosshairs when you fire it.
ask criminal, we've circled 5 before with it.
+2,382|6712|The North, beyond the wall.
This is the best post i have seen here in a while jamez,i would +1 you but i don't know how.

I can see how talking to you in xfire about this would get boring so i'l just ask this.

Can you fly the titans well,are they fast,and most importantly;can you crash them.

JaM3z wrote:

stryyker wrote:

in fact, they suck a large cock.
i thought they where pretty good, some guy called Infinity HaV0k just flew me around in one and he owns in them, lined me up for some TV shots
Do they really have TV-guided missiles just like the choppers in BF2?
I thought they weren't equipped with more than "rocket pods" (or the equivalent in 2142) for the pilot and a
infantry cannon for the gunner.

Simon wrote:

Nice post. +1

So do you think 2142 is better then BF2 at the beta stage ? Or do you think it would be better when its fully made.

Can you like rate them out of 10 please ! I'm just curious mate.
At the moment, i would say its not as good as bf2 for a few reasons:

cant dolphin dive (at all)

cant go prone to shoot anyone (fuxz0r your accuracy)

prone/shoot delay

The concept is good, and it will be better than BF2 if DICE get the coding right first time *cough patchs*

jord wrote:

This is the best post i have seen here in a while jamez,i would +1 you but i don't know how.

I can see how talking to you in xfire about this would get boring so i'l just ask this.

Can you fly the titans well,are they fast,and most importantly;can you crash them.
You dont fly the titans directly you move them around the map in commander screen

They are as slow as hell like 20cm a second (im not joking)

No you cant crash them or put them into the red zone

Sambuccashake wrote:

JaM3z wrote:

stryyker wrote:

in fact, they suck a large cock.
i thought they where pretty good, some guy called Infinity HaV0k just flew me around in one and he owns in them, lined me up for some TV shots
Do they really have TV-guided missiles just like the choppers in BF2?
I thought they weren't equipped with more than "rocket pods" (or the equivalent in 2142) for the pilot and a
infantry cannon for the gunner.
They have a TV guided missile kind of thing, it was in some EA thingy.... you dont click it you just move your mouse to stear it, and it is so sensitive good luck killing anything with it.
Can you snipe from the Titan to the ground?

durkamoz wrote:

Can you snipe from the Titan to the ground?
no way.

The sniper rifles suck as it is (do like 2damage per hit) plus they wobble around loads its so hard to get a headshot, and at that sort of distance its impossible to snipe someone, you can barly see the ground and as the sniper suck ass you will have a hard job.

I'll leave the sniping for nyte or some other decent sniper to try but my overal impression is not good.
+2,382|6712|The North, beyond the wall.
You know them cannon things stuck to the titan that you can fire?

Are they really good?

jord wrote:

You know them cannon things stuck to the titan that you can fire?

Are they really good?
i made a frag video of em, i cant put it out but as soon as the beta is puplic its being hosted.

They are good if you have the knack of em they are very tricky to use, i have about 106 kills with it which would rank me number one in teh world with them, BUT the leaderboard is broke and shows me with 0 kills

But  yeah i prawn with them.

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