There is.
+1,380|7004|Devon, England
well, unlike many of you here, i also play consoles. Super Smash Bros. is an amazing game, and i had such fun playing it with lotsa m8s back in the day at school.

for any of those ultra cool people who have shared my amazing experience of melee, youl be interested to know that the new one, Super Smash Bros. Brawl is out soon for the wii. it has new characters such as snake from metal gear solid, some one called pit, a new kirby (yay!) and wario. oh and also a stripped samus from that metroid game.

any1 who hasnt played this game shud get a gamecube, get melee, get a loada controllers, get a loada m8s (might be hard for some of you) and game all night long. also whilst your at it get halo 2 aswell and an xbox. and wilst your on this shopping spree, get me some more ram.

i would consider this one of the greatest game series of all time, its in my top 10 anyway.

Last edited by FFLink13 (2006-07-21 03:32:56)

later there would be raiden in it.. zomg teh gaynes..

read this... thats why every1 is gonna play as snake...
I'll take two
+132|7099|Perth, Western Australia
I love Smash Bros. Captain Falcon FTW!!!1
+43|6990|Dortmund, Germany
I have to agree with the topic creator. SSB is an awesome series and I LOVED Melee. Seeing the Brawl-trailer made me pretty enthusiatic regarding the Wii cuz I was kinda unsure about it before I saw some of the titles. I don't care about all those Nintendo-bashers. I also own a PS1/2 and I'm gonna get a PS3 when its price drops but I'll always be a Nintendo-fan since I grew up with all these stuffs.

LoL @ the comic

melee was great, and i cant wait for brawl.
funny comic cyborg.
U.S. > Iran

cyborg_ninja-117 wrote:


read this... thats why every1 is gonna play as snake...
LMAO, the hiding in box trick, i love it.  Hope he used the right box, because if you use Box A in a Box C section....they will notice its out of place and attack you. Never mind the fact every time you turn around the box is somewhere else......they move all the time on their own.

mavrick 3399
+102|6855|Doncaster UK
smash bros is fucking fantastic hope they bring a DS version out too, that would be sweet on wireless.

on melee i am mostly mario but DK is funny with his hand slap. best mode is to set to pokemon stadium all life at 500% is just a small hit will knock you off the stage and turn off everything except pokeballs and bomb bombs its just mayhem. Also if some one is pika you really have to look hard when there are about 6 of them running around the screen.
smash brothers FTW!!! i loved every single smash brothers game that came out. if the nintendo wii goes online, i think its gonna kill xbox 360. ps3 kinda already killed themselves with their list price of $600. wii is only gonna cost around $280. plus did you guys see how you play wii? its almost like virtual realtiy. i can see it now. mario kart, tennis, and brawl will kill xbox and ps if it goes online. Nintendo Wii FTW!!!!
=|A mere Shadow|=
The Anarchist
+121|6939|Britain and Damn proud of it!
I know this is off topic but who here has a DS and what games have you got?

A mere Shadow|= wrote:

I know this is off topic but who here has a DS and what games have you got?
dont derail the thread...
I am British!
+124|6996|England and damn proud
Super Smash Bros was the only reason i got a gamecube, no wait thats a lie i love the zelda games.

Every Friday i have 3 other mates over and we all play melee for about 4 hous srtaight from 99 lives, i am so good as shiek(zelda).  I always win

Best game ever, cant wait for this new 1.

I kill you in future, too
Absolutely right, Nintendo Rulez teh Videogamez!!!11

Damn i was good at that game
I was in a comp in london and came 2nd
Good game

I almost shat myself when I saw that on X-Play.
There is.
+1,380|7004|Devon, England
yeh, itd be good, 1 for the ds. i have one, and have:

mario 64 ds version,
star wars 3,
mario kart
nintendogs (shuttup!)
metroid demo

aint played on it in ages, but wen i was at school, we used to always bring in our ds' and play mario kart up to 8 players at break. was cool.

and wtf? every1 knows Link and Young Link are the best at super smash bros. your all crazy
^^ Mario + Kirby pwn Young link and Link.

I am British!
+124|6996|England and damn proud
Yea i love link he is the best imo just stand still and his shield takes the shit, if you didnt know that go hang yourself
There is.
+1,380|7004|Devon, England
omg, i hav to organise another sesh with this game...

i dont know if this has been posted before, but it fits here since this is a post full of a bunch of bf2 players praising nintendo! the best part is the mario spoof, the rest is just kinda meh...
http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/battl … WT55bkPszY
Pop To Ster
+45|6846|Edmonds, WA

Simon wrote:

^^ Mario + Kirby pwn Young link and Link.

You're kidding right. Links FTW!!!111!!111
mavrick 3399
+102|6855|Doncaster UK

Souljah wrote:

smash brothers FTW!!! i loved every single smash brothers game that came out. if the nintendo wii goes online, i think its gonna kill xbox 360. ps3 kinda already killed themselves with their list price of $600. wii is only gonna cost around $280. plus did you guys see how you play wii? its almost like virtual realtiy. i can see it now. mario kart, tennis, and brawl will kill xbox and ps if it goes online. Nintendo Wii FTW!!!!
i wouldnt be quite sure on that i own a 360 and its the biggest waste of money i have spent. i have had all the games available for it and they are all crap nothing new or exciting.

so i will have to get a PS3 i aint bothered about the price its not that expensive in fact its only £25 more expensive than my PS2 (got it the day it came out)

and then comes the Wii i will get one as well but the controller is going to be annoying, you have to a sensor strip attached to your TV or desk or something, now thats just shit there is no way i am sticking a piece of plastic to the top of my beautiful new HDTV with fucking tape and then i have to hide the wire!!!!
i mean Jesus Christ Nintendo Sony COPY you at the last minute and there controller doesn't need any senor strip thingy with more fucking wires.

Then comes the games i hope that they will be as different as they say they will be also i hope other developers actually develop games for it because if not it will die. because we all know its not what the console does but what the games are like shit games shit machine . Nintendo have a real chance to turn the console market back in there favor i hope they don't ruin the chance they have got.
I am British!
+124|6996|England and damn proud
I am with Nintendo 100% the wii will be great, the tech inside it may not be anything great but if the games are good then who gives a fuck about the graphics or whatever.  Also it helps the fact the people at sony are a bunch of retards and dont make anything only steal it from other companies.
There is.
+1,380|7004|Devon, England
lol, that vid was cool.

im definatly gettin a wii wen it comes out. nintendo are gr8. the gamecube was cool as of the zelda gmes all remade for it, wind waker, super smash bros and soul caliber 2 (as it had Link in it). ther was also the new star fox game for it, which was gr8, and ther wer many more. il get an xbox 360 as of halo 3 comin out on it, and maybe for a few other games aswell.

all consoles are gr8 tho, cant dis em.
No Game Ever Made Will Ever Ever Ever Surpass The Brilliance That Was Super Smash Brothers For The N64!!!!!!!

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