What is the best way to get vet repair badge? I have tried and almost got it I needed only 1 more repair point
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- How do you get your vet repair badge?
i got it by calling car drops on my own artillaray and the commander did it over 10 times! lolz
Go to Wake Island, There will always be people Raping the Carrier, And Wait By the Essex to Repair it, Its 1.5 - 2 Repair Points Each Essex, But dont stand to close to it or else you'll get an Is no More. But, Repair Arty if that gets blown up. This is how I got mine, I made 17 Repair Points Doing the Above.
Last edited by DaReJa (2006-06-28 13:50:10)
Battlelog: DaReJa
MyBFi/BF3i Admin
AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator
MyBFi/BF3i Admin
AKA DanielRJ
GameSurge IRC Network, Support Agent and Staff
Phuzion IRC Network, Support Director and Operator
Was PLA and trying to take back the airport on wake island. Some nice spec ops kept c4ing the assets and I would sneak up and repair them and eventually I had 10 repair points.
Was in a tank as MEC on oman. The USMC team kept destroying assests, so i would go repair them by driving up next to them in the tank. I got like 25 repairs, but didn't hav ethe hours needed to get the expert award.
And again... if you want to know the "stats padder-way" PM me.
Try warload
veteran at Karkand in column of APCs and tank.
Expert at Wake repairing arty and only arty. J-10 were continuously blowing it up, so I was waiting with my wrench. And yes, there were some 16-18ppl on each side, and teams were balanced.
I spent almost a week to get it, just keep on and you will get vet in no time. Good luck
EDIT: supply drops is your enemy when repairing assets, so quick granade on them and keep repairing in peace;)
Expert at Wake repairing arty and only arty. J-10 were continuously blowing it up, so I was waiting with my wrench. And yes, there were some 16-18ppl on each side, and teams were balanced.
I spent almost a week to get it, just keep on and you will get vet in no time. Good luck
EDIT: supply drops is your enemy when repairing assets, so quick granade on them and keep repairing in peace;)
Last edited by sdlettonieCZLV (2006-06-29 03:34:33)
ok thanks
Now I know you are more then likely calling me a noob for not knowing this but I just can't get it how do you bomb guys that are like in a tank? When do you drop the bombs? Any pics would be nice
Hahaha, this is funny because i was considering posting the EXACT same thing. I cant bomb for shit. So, is there any way you can use that console thingy when your bombing to line up the squares that appear n the vehicles you try to bomb?
u need to practice in single player(Operation Clean Sweep). my recommendation for noobs would be first to come down at ur target at like a 30 to 45 degree angle till u get used to how the bombs drop then start trying the flybys. Do ur self a favor and practice on single player unless u wanna get Tk'ed alot for take the jet and crashing it evey 2 mins.
Search under files and you should come across a flight training vid that someone made awhile back.
Watch. Absorb. Learn.
It gives a good showing of proper speed, angle of attack, reticule line up, etc...
The rest is experience. Start a local server in Clean Sweep and practice hitting inanimates.
But please use the search. "Your ego is writing checks your body can't cash!"
Watch. Absorb. Learn.
It gives a good showing of proper speed, angle of attack, reticule line up, etc...
The rest is experience. Start a local server in Clean Sweep and practice hitting inanimates.
But please use the search. "Your ego is writing checks your body can't cash!"
Ive always wondered the same....I cant bomb very well either. Sometimes I get lucky and kill the target...but not too often.
ok thanks for all your help o and btw I can just fine just can't bomb I use the gun most of the time
Last edited by JohnTx12 (2006-06-28 14:10:43)
I learned on single player clean sweep, i found the best way to start out is dive bombing. Get pretty high (300ish meters) then you want to come down at the target on like a 70 degree angle. Keep your target about a half inch under your reticle (aim just a bit high). You want to release your bombs just before you absolutely have to start pulling up. If you let them go too late you will end up spreading the bombs out over an area, instead of concentrated on the target (which is sometimes desireable). Hope that helps!
What is the best way to get vet/expert ground def? I have tried a lot of times but can't seem to get it can you use the turret in a tank or not? What is the best map to get it on if you can help that be grate
Or sit in a MG and arty loads of people as commander.
Or sit in a MG and arty loads of people as commander.
What everyone else said, i tried this yesterday and got my vet and expert at the same time. Pretty cheap but it gets the job done, i'm prett sure you can do the same thing for anti-air too.
But when you do Arty you dont get kills do you?
Yes if your in a Mounted Gun and you arty someone you get kills counted as if you were shooting at someone with the MG, I dont know why but take advantage of it
You don't get the points for them in the round, but you do get credit for them for whatever kit you are using and whatever vehicle/tow/AA you are in..
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- How do you get your vet repair badge?