I have a friend who plays halo2 on a console. We were talking over some beers about our respective games and I brought up the topic of "how the hell can you play this game on a joystick?" Oc course his response was " no way dude, I kick ass." I once tried to play rainbow6 on single player on a joystick and it sucked. Everything I did was slow and lame. I am of the opinion that if we were playing the same game and I was on keyboard/mouse and he was on the console joystick, I would pwn his ass hardcore. What do you all think?
its not a joystick. it moves quicker, its easier to move than one, and its not huge.
you with a keyboard might beat him, but it depends on the game and how good you both are.
you with a keyboard might beat him, but it depends on the game and how good you both are.
at first i thought the same thing but you can actually get very good with the joystick but of course in the long run the mouse will definatly be better
The pc vs console question can be answered when vista comes out. Microsoft is attempting to allow xbox-ers to play against pc gamers online.