+11|6841|San Marcos, CA
I've been seeing this a lot in the past few weeks, especially since the patch.  You'll be having a good round, and some guy you've killed a few times already starts a kick vote on you...which fails, but is then taken up by other people on the opposing team, so that there's a kick PlayerX vote going on almost constantly.  I've actually been voted off the server, but not often.

When you ask about it, you get all kinds of answers, the most common something like :"u r hacking, no 1 can beat me that much!"

Sometimes, I can ALMOST understand it, when the vote starter was having a good round/session as well, before I started killing him, but that's still no excuse.  It's even more puzzling when the guy who starts the vote had a 1:5 K/D in the last five rounds without me being the one killing him.

Since this started happening to me, I started looking at the scoreboard whenever somebody started a kick vote, and quite often the vote-starter is trying to vote out the high score player on the other team.

What chaps my ass is that I don't smack talk, I don't base-rape, I don't "noob tube", I'm just in "the zone" and doing well and get crap for it, and sometimes the goobers win the vote and I have to find a new server.

c'est la vie
I've been seeing more and more of these votes against me in recent weeks.  I've NEVER teamkilled intentionally, i've never hacked.  Since the new patch, i've been flying a lot more (funny how the planes are always free now) and trying to improve my flying.  Needless to say, it's easy to get a lot of points if you're good at it. 

But it really pisses me off when you've spent 30 minutes commanding a team, you're about to win with 150 tickets left, and suddently there's a mutiny vote.  Or you're doing well in a J10 and a kick vote starts by some whining noob.  I just love the following conversation, it happens nearly every day:

Me:                                'Why you trying to kick me'
Angry 15 year-old:          'NOOB you're base raping'
Me:                                 'But that's allowed'
14 year-old crybaby:       'NO ITS NOT YOU BITCH NOOB'
Me                                 'Then what's the essex for?'

...... Silence......
+-1|6770|West Oz
Nothing makes me happier than seeing a kick vote. They never work, and it means you are getting to someone if it was an enemy that called it. If it is one of your own then they are somewhat looney.

I have had kick votes when I have been commander, cause they don't like being ordered around. One team mate was so incensed by my commands that they found me at the base and shot me with a DAO12.
By the way - does anyone know how to propose a kick-vote?  Two guys from the iD clan were padding last night on a EA europe server on Wake - but i couldn't take screenshots and i don't know how to propose a kick-vote.   they even admitted to padding!  (....mumbles something about new patch and screenshots not working.... arrrrgh i forgot to stitch xfire on)
+2|6705|New Gitland, the Netherlands
People tryed to vote me off loads of times. Mostly someone on the opposing force will start a kickvote because he was trying to capture a backbase and I put arty on him. It means you're doing well.
Lately I play alot on one SFserver and people allready know when I'm the commander (it's sometimes me against this guy called BigShip).
Aslong as the people on your side don't help to get you kicked, no worries. Oh yeah, the other day a 14 year old n00b started with: Commander, plz stfu. I can't hear anything (I was using my VoiceComms to let people know what the enemy was doing). Then he started a vote kick. He only got 1 vote, then a SquadLeader put up a kickvote and he got kicked in 2 minutes haha.
+12|6711|New Zealand, CHCH

evillbill wrote:

Nothing makes me happier than seeing a kick vote. They never work,
ive done that before, and noone voted, then they all laughed at me, needless to say i did not initiate another
I've had a few votes against me, been accused of hackin when i have a good round. Today was the most recent was on karkand (new players server or something).  was doing exceptionally well with the support kit 43-13 k:d. and people started sayin Hack, Aimbot just ignored them.   I mean look at my stats you can see i don't hack or anythin like that. I am a genuine player don't cheat, never have never will.

Some people just need to grow up rather than accuse people of cheating because they themselves suck.

evillbill wrote:

I have had kick votes when I have been commander, cause they don't like being ordered around. One team mate was so incensed by my commands that they found me at the base and shot me with a DAO12.
That's the funniest thing I've heard all day!
I just had this happen to a friend today. We were playing on a server and the admins kicked him like 10 seconds before the round ended to try to take away his gold medal. Really lame.
ever since the patch i've been acused of hacking with PKM. i ask... - "me and many others have been killed by just one round of your PKM, you hacker"
I got my first kick-vote waaaaaay back when I was a Sergeant (okay so not that long ago).

I was having an unusually good round, pwning in an APC.

I told them how flattered I was by the vote, which was probably a bad idea, because more of 'em voted the second time!
+1|6803|Where ever there's wounded
I find I'll get a kick vote on me for stealing an enemy's armor while he's trying to repair it on the road. Usually starts after i put a sabo round through 'em.
I've only gotten a single vote against me, a mutiny vote when I was winning. I think the motivation is that if they win, they double their points and perhaps get a gold metal...

It's easy not to piss people off when you're a ground-pounder .
another thing is when you are commander and other players see that commander's doubled points will get gold star and then they start mutiny vote commander. i have got several times that kind of mutiny vote..
once it was succesful:(
Death StatPadder
+228|6804|Human Meat Shield
One time I was really good, I was nearing a gold star and I jumped up and down and hit my head, then it broke my keyboard because I fell on it, then the mouse got tangled up and pulled the wires out that caused a small computer fire and I looked at my screen and I got banned for having a high score because EA doesn't like me having high scores.

In other words who cares. If people mutiny ( in some instances, there were some mutiny when a commander first accepts his duty) or vote on you, you were being a tard. And be honest, there is usually more to the story than: ' I got kicked for having a high score!' That's bullshit and you all know it. Except if baseraping is allowed, then you got a point. Usually if you weren't being a tard the vote doesn't go through anyway or you are on a small server, trying to capture gold everytime.
Dropped on request
I love being kickvoted against for doing good. The moment I see it I tell everyone to page up. Then when it ends at 7 for kicking, 800 not giving a fuck, I laugh and dare them to do it again.
I have been vote kicked few times, one time I was in the MEC chopper and pretty much owned the whole round with tons of more kills than the other people. … rscore.jpg
Check my kills againts their XD I have at least 3x more kills than the 2:nd person in the toplist.

Well they started to votekick me at the end of the round and I had the time to type some mesage but never really got some answeres from them. Guess they couldn't handle getting owned.

Though sometimes I usually get kicked without a votekic due to stupid reasons. Some that I have gotten was "You team killed the admin" When one of my AA missle actually killed him by missing my own target. Even if I scream Sorry 3-4 times in a row it isn't enough. Pffft

Last edited by Zefar (2006-03-02 06:23:38)

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