Alright so...patch 1.3 is here, and as expected EA screwed up. Again. No surprise...and many of you seem OK with it. May I ask why? In many other situations if a company screwed up this badly this many times with a product, people would demand their money back. Or the company would take huge losses because no one would by their shoddy products anymore. Yet most of the posts I see seem to indicate many are ready to simply hand EA their wallets whenever they decide to release something new. If everyone continues to do this, EA will have no reason to finally FIX the game we all enjoy. Why would you continue to pay for things that only encourage EA's greed and allow them to give shoddy support to their fan base? I used to like EA alot, but now that they've become so large they simply are concerned with the bottom line and not the enthusiasm for great games.

Here's the problems as I see them with 1.3:
1) It wasn't even tested as far as I can tell. That this many people cannot even play the game says something about how terrible it is. You should not have to specially configure your computer just to play it and you shouldn't need a degree in computer science to get it running.

2) Instead of fixing the NUMEROUS and GRIEVOUS technical issues that have plagued this game from day one, EA insists on continually changing the GAME itself. The game play has never been the problem and has usually only suffered because of EA's stupid ideas about play balancing etc.

3) On the balance issue, whoever thought that car drops were a good idea should be shot. Anyone half as devious as me will figure out that dropping 3 FAV's on the carrier and camping the crap out of the US team will be the fastest way to lots of points and the most fun you can have without actually blowing up EA's corporate office.

4) PC gamers are not console fan boys...hence we like high resolution. We do NOT want gigantic team and vehicle options that cover most of the screen. What was wrong with icon size in the first place? It told you what you needed to know and if you couldn't honestly read it then it was probably time for a trip to the optometrist anyway.

5) Thank you EA for giving the finger to each and everyone of us that worked for any of the badges under the previous rules. Many of them are now meaningless and all the noobs will have them in addition to the people that actually earned them.

6) Point to consider: How different do you think Battlefield would be these days if someone competent had purchased DICE instead of EA? Imagine BF2 with the folks at Valve or Crytek or Bethesda Softworks in charge of it. You'd have support for your game. You'd get extra content that you wouldn't have to pay for. You'd actually get your money's worth.

I'd be interested to hear the rest of your thoughts along these lines. I for one am finished with EA. I will probably continue to play BF2 but there is no way I will pay for 2142 or Armored Fury. A line must be drawn somewhere and 1.3 is finally it.

You're not gonna buy Windows Vista are you? LOL! I still think the game is fun. Do whatchoo gotta do man.
Sober enough to know what I'm doing, drunk enough to really enjoy doing it
Kniven Gaffeln Skeden
why do you want "Intelligent critique" when you obviously are not?
thats a pathetic list of "problems" - stop playing if you dont like it - no one will miss you...
The above post clearly illustrates what I was trying to avoid. What else can you expect from Sweden though? Ok ok that was uncalled for...but seriously.
I thought they were good points, but quitting isn't going to help. EA isn't perfect but compared to other games i've bought Bf has given me ten times as much fun, people need to stop expecting that 50 bucks gets you a perfect game with lifetime support and realize that ea did'nt have to give us fuck all. I'm still happy to play the game and will buy 2142, i know it'll be interesting and for 30 quid fuckit.
Spanish Sniper-Wh0re
+199|6787|Malaga, España
The Game is Fucked

After all this wasnt my 50€ worth

I never seen an game patched that much as this one.
1.21 was Fine

IF EA think this is the smarterst idea to lower the Requirements and adding Bots and vehicule drop (that has been created on the most amatuer way i ever seen) that we will buy the BF2142? What must we expect from that? Another 8 months of patching the shit out of it, and balancing this balancing that because we will forget about the bugs ur moronic coders cant fix? and after that u createn an new BF game and you just throw BF2142 in to the recycle bin and asks more money? Well EA if you want more money

Then DROP 2142 for a while , first fix This crap you call BF2 after patched 6 - 8 times! and then God dammit TEST !!! and then if BF2 is has his dignity back so we can enjoy it. THEN EA create BF2142 I'll bet more people would buy it when they SEE where our money goes into a game we can enjoy as much as we can, without that shit you just call 1.3 patch.

ow and lower the requirements that EA/Dice is called:

Fucking with people(top 10 the most) that worked god damn hard to get those medals that you now distribute to all the newcomers
Just created a similar thread here: http://forums.bf2s.com/viewtopic.php?id=26054

Fully behind you but some people out there are very immature with there opinions and fair play to them and there lives. But there's two customers they have lost. Just ashame so many people or transfixed by the nice candy store window that EA have created.

Just take a look at the EA web site for BF2 and the nature of the community update it shows there attitude to these continual errors they keep doing, no real apology nothing!

Cheers pal. x1

x7DAYZx wrote:

5) Thank you EA for giving the finger to each and everyone of us that worked for any of the badges under the previous rules. Many of them are now meaningless and all the noobs will have them in addition to the people that actually earned them.

I'd be interested to hear the rest of your thoughts along these lines. I for one am finished with EA. I will probably continue to play BF2 but there is no way I will pay for 2142 or Armored Fury. A line must be drawn somewhere and 1.3 is finally it.
Imagine playing a  soccer or tennis competition , and the referee tells you halfway the tournament, that the winner of the final is not  only one who gets the cup, NO, everyone who made the quarter finals will get a Cup as trofee

What surprises me most is the game is advertised as 16 + , yet the "Patchers" from EA/DICE seem to listen mostly to whining 10 year-old saying : neft this, nerf that, this is too strong, etc" ,

I enjoyed playing BF2 as much as  I did with BF1942.
Yet I am not falling for EA's  marketing ploys like  SF and EF and BF2142.
The only one that might interest me - maybe - is Armured Fury.

The positive side is -so far - i did not run into any technical problems installing the patches.

JohnnyBlanco wrote:

I thought they were good points, but quitting isn't going to help. EA isn't perfect but compared to other games i've bought Bf has given me ten times as much fun, people need to stop expecting that 50 bucks gets you a perfect game with lifetime support and realize that ea did'nt have to give us fuck all. I'm still happy to play the game and will buy 2142, i know it'll be interesting and for 30 quid fuckit.
I agree but if you pay money for a product you want it to work. If not then you want a refund but software houses can give you a patch. Well OK I'll take if it works, then it doesn't and they say OK hear you go try this. Cool it works and you play happily. Then ask for money and for mods, OK have enjoyed and want more. Then they patch again but this time they bugger it up.

People are getting really p*ssed off with this.

And the attitude you give about well its only £30 plays right in to EA\DICE's hands, its just what they want us to do.

1.2=best. In the planewhores' words, "adapt".

k30dxedle wrote:

1.2=best. In the planewhores' words, "adapt".
YES YES YES. There was a balance shift but acceptable to all. This is (1.3) stupid!

bob_baur wrote:

JohnnyBlanco wrote:

I thought they were good points, but quitting isn't going to help. EA isn't perfect but compared to other games i've bought Bf has given me ten times as much fun, people need to stop expecting that 50 bucks gets you a perfect game with lifetime support and realize that ea did'nt have to give us fuck all. I'm still happy to play the game and will buy 2142, i know it'll be interesting and for 30 quid fuckit.
I agree but if you pay money for a product you want it to work. If not then you want a refund but software houses can give you a patch. Well OK I'll take if it works, then it doesn't and they say OK hear you go try this. Cool it works and you play happily. Then ask for money and for mods, OK have enjoyed and want more. Then they patch again but this time they bugger it up.

People are getting really p*ssed off with this.

And the attitude you give about well its only £30 plays right in to EA\DICE's hands, its just what they want us to do.
Yes but i've played this game for a year, compared to other games i've payed 30 quid for i'm happy. Saying that i think much of the hate towards ea is because Bf COULD of been so, so fucking cool. Hopefully other games developers will have a crack.
+23|6674|Chicago, IL

x7DAYZx wrote:

The above post clearly illustrates what I was trying to avoid. What else can you expect from Sweden though? Ok ok that was uncalled for...but seriously.
Seriously this.. 50% of all the complaints about the game actually dictated the changes made, then 50% of those plus 50% of all the other people that didn't complain in the first place jump on forums and flame ea, blah blah, so they change it again, see the point. Just play. End of story, thousands of people play a game and don't care, make your own so thousands of people can critize your lifes work, its only $50,  I've made bigger mistakes.
I am just as angry at EA as the next person for their terrible effort to fix a game that was less broken out of the box than it is today. Despite this I will continue to play their games because they are fun dammit. EA has turned into a money making monster who turns out a expansion every three month just to get a few extra dollars. Let us not forget this is not the first game that EA has left out to dry. Anyone play Generals or Zero Hour? Great games if you ask me but EA blatantly ignored the numerous bugs that plagued those games. The Generals community got so fed up that they released they own patch. Patching a game is about customer service which is included in the $50 that is paid at the store. EA has every obligation to patch this game and patch it right.

spacepelle wrote:

why do you want "Intelligent critique" when you obviously are not?
thats a pathetic list of "problems" - stop playing if you dont like it - no one will miss you...
If he stopped playing, I would miss him, I don't know him but he seems intellegent and I agree with him. You, on the other hand dont seem intellegent at all...
+23|6674|Chicago, IL

[UCF]Dauntless wrote:

spacepelle wrote:

why do you want "Intelligent critique" when you obviously are not?
thats a pathetic list of "problems" - stop playing if you dont like it - no one will miss you...
If he stopped playing, I would miss him, I don't know him but he seems intellegent and I agree with him. You, on the other hand dont seem intellegent at all...
Miss him...? Ok. So a handful of specific FIXES per your approval would make it a better experience for you? Lets start a thread and name the next BF2 patch after all those who approved the new patch, because EA sucks, go play Counter Strike or Americas Army. If we leave it alone now... maybe it won't be worse yet again.
And in regard to the vehicle drop crisis..... U.S. military has been doing it for many years why not?  M1 Abrams anyone? Chinooks are quite useful for that.

Last edited by BallisticallyYours (2006-05-25 16:45:09)

+31|6732|Phoenix, AZ
we dont have a choice because:

- this is the best FPS game.
- EA dice know this therefore they can do whatever they want.

so, like, complaining won't do nothing.

Tycho117 wrote:

I am just as angry at EA as the next person for their terrible effort to fix a game that was less broken out of the box than it is today. Despite this I will continue to play their games because they are fun dammit. EA has turned into a money making monster who turns out a expansion every three month just to get a few extra dollars. Let us not forget this is not the first game that EA has left out to dry. Anyone play Generals or Zero Hour? Great games if you ask me but EA blatantly ignored the numerous bugs that plagued those games. The Generals community got so fed up that they released they own patch. Patching a game is about customer service which is included in the $50 that is paid at the store. EA has every obligation to patch this game and patch it right.
Yeah its true. EA abandons games because they are too concerned with the bottom line now.

Sorry to give everyone the impression I didn't like bf2 or wouldn't keep playing. Neither is true. Unfortunately before this though I was a counterstrike CS junkie and Valve showed me how you give your customer their monies worth. I didn't have to pay for new content, Valve gave it to me. I didn't have to wait for 3 days after the patch for the game to work, it ALWAYS worked.

I think the thing that is the biggest issue is that DICE IS a good company. They're folks that know how to make good FUN games. Then EA got their hands on them and it is suddenly down the tubes (anyone remember Westwood Studios? Amazing company, till EA screwed them over). I bet if got someone to honestly talk to us from DICE that they'd tell us EA made them do a lot of things they weren't ready for. The fact that BF2/Spec Forces/EuroForce were the guinea pigs for EA's stupid downloader STEAM clone anyone? EA has abused DICE just as they have other developers they've purchased.

So I don't really understand the people saying not to complain about EA. EA should hear from us, and hear that we don't like the way they do things. DICE on the other hand deserves kudos for a fun game under what are probably difficult circumstances, and for putting up with being managed by morons like the monkies over at EA corp.
If you guys can't take care of 3 favs on the carrier you guys deserve it. THEY ARE SITTING DUCKS AGAINST ROCKETS. grenades work to

BallisticallyYours wrote:

And in regard to the vehicle drop crisis..... U.S. military has been doing it for many years why not?  M1 Abrams anyone? Chinooks are quite useful for that.
Sigh. I'm sorry ballisticallyyours but you seem to suffer from the general problem of not knowing what you are talking about. The largest cargo plane in the military can barely lift 2 Abrams tanks. A Chinook has roughly half the lift capacity needed to transport an Abrams into battle.

So its a stupid idea on EA's part...no one asked for the feature, it came out of no where. Yeah you screw up you walk a little. It happens. Even if it weren't such a dumb idea and weren't already being abused like crazy, the fact that it is SOOOO poorly implemented in the game makes the feature seem slapped on and cheezy.

Thumbs down on this one.
+6|6686|Weymouth, England
'I for one am finished with EA. I will probably continue to play BF2 but there is no way I will pay for 2142 or Armored Fury. A line must be drawn somewhere and 1.3 is finally it.'

Well said.

I think everyone able should learn to code and work on open source games for Linux. As soon as some good games start showing up for Linux we can all say goodbye to shitty windows and the shitty corporations like EA that we're all relying on.
+23|6674|Chicago, IL

x7DAYZx wrote:

BallisticallyYours wrote:

And in regard to the vehicle drop crisis..... U.S. military has been doing it for many years why not?  M1 Abrams anyone? Chinooks are quite useful for that.
Sigh. I'm sorry ballisticallyyours but you seem to suffer from the general problem of not knowing what you are talking about. The largest cargo plane in the military can barely lift 2 Abrams tanks. A Chinook has roughly half the lift capacity needed to transport an Abrams into battle.

So its a stupid idea on EA's part...no one asked for the feature, it came out of no where. Yeah you screw up you walk a little. It happens. Even if it weren't such a dumb idea and weren't already being abused like crazy, the fact that it is SOOOO poorly implemented in the game makes the feature seem slapped on and cheezy.

Thumbs down on this one.
Apparently you missed the sarcasm portion, right now i build automatic transmissions for the abrams I know what they weigh, was trying to point out the game portion\ fiction, next time I'll post more literal.
+6|6686|Weymouth, England

spacepelle wrote:

why do you want "Intelligent critique" when you obviously are not?
thats a pathetic list of "problems" - stop playing if you dont like it - no one will miss you...
You've shown us how intelligent you are. I bow before you and your mighty swedish navy. lol
I want to start out with .....I LOVE BF2. I have to say it is probably the best game I have played. There are so many good things. I was playing last night and run over a hill and a flock of birds startled and flew up and I just remembered again how amazing this game is.

OK ...now on to the bitching. Everyone is seemingly pointing at the vehicle drops as a lighting rod of what is wrong with 1.3. If many of the other things were fixed / fair, then I think the vehicle drops would be a fun addition to a great game. But, because of past experience we expect it to be wrong.

Well, they did basically disrespect everyone who had earned a medal/ribbon/badge in the past by lowering the requirements. I logged in and got Expert AA in about 15 minutes last night and feel like I have somehow cheated out all those who have done their 30 hours in AA to get theirs. YES...if they are going to dangle rewards then they need to maintain consistency!!......otherwise what is the point.

The Friendlies showing up red is an outrageous bug that EA has completely ignored!!

With this patch suddenly my Server Browser is FUBAR'd. Pings will randomly go from 40ms to 25638546 ms and back. I never saw that before 1.3 That should be one of the easiest parts of the game to maintain and have working.

The comments about EA and never buying their stuff. .....I will definitely have a wait and see attitude before I hand EA over my money again, but there have been other games. I was so pissed that HalfLife2 would download shit I didn't want and I had no control over it.

It just seems that it is a symptom of many large businesses.... Create something good...get big..lose touch with their customers....only think about about Business models and profit streams.

Well....I am going to try installing the full patch rather than just the incremental and hope that fixes the server browser bug. I will keep playing and just hope that the game continues to have life long enough for me to at least make Colonel ......or the PS3 Becomes affordable.

x7DAYZx wrote:

Alright so...patch 1.3 is here, and as expected EA screwed up. Again. No surprise...and many of you seem OK with it. May I ask why? In many other situations if a company screwed up this badly this many times with a product, people would demand their money back. Or the company would take huge losses because no one would by their shoddy products anymore. Yet most of the posts I see seem to indicate many are ready to simply hand EA their wallets whenever they decide to release something new. If everyone continues to do this, EA will have no reason to finally FIX the game we all enjoy. Why would you continue to pay for things that only encourage EA's greed and allow them to give shoddy support to their fan base? I used to like EA alot, but now that they've become so large they simply are concerned with the bottom line and not the enthusiasm for great games.

Here's the problems as I see them with 1.3:
1) It wasn't even tested as far as I can tell. That this many people cannot even play the game says something about how terrible it is. You should not have to specially configure your computer just to play it and you shouldn't need a degree in computer science to get it running.

2) Instead of fixing the NUMEROUS and GRIEVOUS technical issues that have plagued this game from day one, EA insists on continually changing the GAME itself. The game play has never been the problem and has usually only suffered because of EA's stupid ideas about play balancing etc.

3) On the balance issue, whoever thought that car drops were a good idea should be shot. Anyone half as devious as me will figure out that dropping 3 FAV's on the carrier and camping the crap out of the US team will be the fastest way to lots of points and the most fun you can have without actually blowing up EA's corporate office.

4) PC gamers are not console fan boys...hence we like high resolution. We do NOT want gigantic team and vehicle options that cover most of the screen. What was wrong with icon size in the first place? It told you what you needed to know and if you couldn't honestly read it then it was probably time for a trip to the optometrist anyway.

5) Thank you EA for giving the finger to each and everyone of us that worked for any of the badges under the previous rules. Many of them are now meaningless and all the noobs will have them in addition to the people that actually earned them.

6) Point to consider: How different do you think Battlefield would be these days if someone competent had purchased DICE instead of EA? Imagine BF2 with the folks at Valve or Crytek or Bethesda Softworks in charge of it. You'd have support for your game. You'd get extra content that you wouldn't have to pay for. You'd actually get your money's worth.

I'd be interested to hear the rest of your thoughts along these lines. I for one am finished with EA. I will probably continue to play BF2 but there is no way I will pay for 2142 or Armored Fury. A line must be drawn somewhere and 1.3 is finally it.
To answer your ‘critiques’ one by one ….

1. You do not need any extensive computer knowledge to run the new patch… The incremental may be problematic but just install the full version and its fine.

2. ‘Play balancing’ is based solely on complaints from EA clients … thus far, 1.0 would have continued if players hadn’t expressed concerns otherwise. Every change to the game such as nerfing the Blackhawk or stopping firing on the run has come from PLAYER ORIENTATED Complaints.

3.  You’ve obviously not even played the new patch because two light vehicles is the maximum you can drop at any one time. And whilst no-one expressed the need to add vehicle drops, no-one seriously articulated any opposition to such an idea …

4. ???

5. Whilst certain changes to awards limit the overall value of the aforementioned awards, not all badges and ribbons have been changed. Moreover, if you are playing the game solely for the purpose of earning awards then you have got the wrong end of the stick. Player’s stats speak for themselves and  I need no ribbons or badges to confirm how good I am at BF2.

6. Dice or EA DO NOT implement changes in an unprovoked manner (apart from the vehicle drops … although I suspect this is a compliant regarding the amount of ground pounding that infantry have to do on BF2) as the majority of changes are as a result of whiny, and ultimately ridiculous suggestions by the wider BF2 community.

7. If Dice had been purchased by one of EA’s commentators then we’d all be fucked. If you hate EA and BF2 then stop posting on BF2s and stick with WoW …

8. I’m glad you’re finished with EA … the last thing we all need is whiny runts like yourself. I very rarely post an aggressive response but pointless anti-EA dispatches piss me off. If you don’t like it then FUCK OFF … WoW is desperate for point and click players.

9. As a final remark, comments referring to EA’s greed and corporate power are seriously misplaced. No amount of semi-intellectual left-wing responses are going to affect the further development of BF2.

10. I can’t wait for BF2 AF …



(as for Karma, fuck it. I don’t care if you give me plus or minus. The last thing I want on this site is whiny runts who don’t actually care what happens in BF2).

Last edited by Viper38 (2006-05-25 18:09:24)

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