J-10 whore
I love the laser guided missile. As long as i have a pilot who knows how to let me have a shot, i would love it. Took out 2 FULL BHS with 2 laser guided missiles and the feeling was aaaaa.
Alt+F4 For God-Mode
Yeh, LGM are awesome. At first, i hated them because of the slow lock on, but after getting used to it, it's awesome. I got Aerial Service ribbon for being in LGM (as i suck piloting both Helo and Aviator).
Uhh... Do you mean the TV-guided missile on the helicopters?

Cause the LGM is only on the fighter/bombers.
While it is *possible* to hit a blackhawk with those, it would be about 50x easier to just tap the guns on them.
Those guns are capable of killing tanks, even.
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|6789|The United Center
haha, i took out a cobra the other day on oman.

i think it was while i was playing with skruples and afrojap...and one of them said (somewhat jokingly) to take it out with the LGM...so i fired...and aimed...and the next thing i know...blown up cobra and 2 kills.

it was pretty sweet.
J-10 whore
Yeah the LGM i meant, its like so easy to control.
Raiders of the Lost Bear

Bleah. I can never seem to make it do what i want.
+76|6818|Antwerp, Flanders
Ever since one of those patches the missiles seem to lose lock quite easily, even when the target remains clearly visible. They used to be the easiest way to kill/destroy something.
I'm usually the pilot in the bomber and my clan mate is the gunner. He can kill anything, not only the obvious locks he gets on ground targets but Helo's, commander toys ect. If another clan mate is covering my ass using the fighter, then we almost always take Gold and Silver. As I said I'm usually the pilot, but once in awhile I get in with a good pilot and have some fun as the gunner. That missle is like a tactical nuke :-)

The trouble with being the gunner is most pilots are more interested in "TRYING" to dogfight a fighter jet then setting you up for ground target shots. I always fly in bomb mode, and the pilot can see the ground targets before the gunner so I point my nose at the target and start firing my cannons. This alerts my gunner to be ready for the shot, which results in a kill 95+% of the time. Only if I see an enemy plane and know for sure I can get the kill will I engage it. If you lock up the enemy fighter you better be sure your slow moving bomber with its four missles can kill it, otherwise your just putting up a sign that says I'm a dumbass please kill me.
The best thing about those missles is you do not need a lock to kill something. The F15 is tricky but even then just hold your target in the middle of the box and fire away. The su34/30 is easier since the crosshair doesnt dissappear.

I routinely take out choppers, arty, UAV and other planes with it.
+271|6798|United States of America
LGM missles are good and all, but I prefer to bomb as pilot.  That's how I got my arial ribbon, my friend got his in the gunner seat the same round I got mine.
karma padder
i like using the LGM too, it's the easiest weapon in the game to get kills with. just point, wait for lock, keep it in the middile of the target and shoot. lately i never bother waiting for a lock though, i'd rather guide it in myself and put a little skill into the kill. the last round i just played, i shot down 2 planes with it. XD
Dreads & Bergers
+364|6759|Riva, MD
It's too hard to find a bomber taking off with a free gunner spot and it seems like I can only get assist points with it even though i'm the one who fired.  It sucks how they made jets such a rarity in this game.  The only ones I can get my hands on are the aircraft carrier's F-35Bs.
+17|6786|Switzerland (Im not swiss tho)
they should have made an all jets map instead of all tank on armored fury
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)

-]Eucalyptus[- wrote:

they should have made an all jets map instead of all tank on armored fury
Definatly would have been awsome. It should have been an USMC vs. MEC map. There could be a huge corn or wheat field somewhere in the mid-west US. Each side could have: 3 bombers, 8 fighters, 5 scouts.
ie: USMC: (3xF15, 4xF18, 4xF35B, 5xA-10)
     MEC: (3xSu34, 8xMig-29, 5xFrog foot, or whatever it is)
also in addtion to the planes there can be a central little hick town with like some old houses, a gas staion, a lake, and some shops.

ps: sorry about the hick thing, by hick i mean real redneck, tobbacco spittin' looking kinda town. Like that town in Kansas, Clifton I think it's called where there used to be a church that was supposed to be one of the gateways to hell. LOL i've been there once, it is really a HICK town lol.

Last edited by Superior Mind (2006-04-04 12:20:26)

I'm a fan of the LGM too, but I have to say it's been the death of me a few times.  I'm pretty decent with it, I can usually hit a lot of stuff, since mhawk  usually flies me around and we can communicate very effectively in the 2-seater. 

But occasionally we have our moments.  Which is why we've started using a tape recorder, because sometimes it's downright hilarious.  Like one time on Oman, we were approaching one of the coastal bases in the bomber.  We were too far out to see who it was, but I had them light up on my screen.  I called them out, he made the approach.  I fired immediatly after we lined up, and guided the missle in.  Next thing I know, he's shouting "Oh, shit, friendlies!" and banking up.  It was too late, I think I got about 7 or 8 TK's on that one bomb.  I apologized to everyone, and the only response I got back from one of my victims was "Yeah..."

The thing that really frustrates me is when I get bugged, and can't use the rear view.  Or when the missle seems to wants to hit the bottom left of the screen, not the center, etc.  What also really gets me is when I fire the missle, and it never fires.  It says it does, but nothing comes out, and then the ammo count goes back up.  THat really pisses me off.  I hate being bugged.
J-10 whore
Too many jets aint too good, when we all want to reload, the planes crash:P The round which i got a 100 BRS using laser guided was Kubra DAm. My team stole the other 2 jets from the enemy base lol.
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
well there would be more than one airfield for each team...duh. myabe there would be 4 airfields per team. or at least 4 of those double air strips close by.

Last edited by Superior Mind (2006-04-04 15:46:08)

I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|6761|Melbourne, Australia
wen i play at a lan cafe i let my friend take the jet/ bomber.. and i head off to the other base and steal there jets with my m95 =] so funny
+8|6740|Mission Viejo, CA
When I am in the cobra, firing off tv missiles, I can usually only get them to steer very minimally. I have been blown up by some tv missles that adjust 30 degrees or more. How do you steer them that much? Is it based on the mouse accelleration for helo?

BigDaddy83 wrote:

The thing that really frustrates me is when I get bugged, and can't use the rear view.  Or when the missle seems to wants to hit the bottom left of the screen, not the center, etc.  What also really gets me is when I fire the missle, and it never fires.  It says it does, but nothing comes out, and then the ammo count goes back up.  THat really pisses me off.  I hate being bugged.
I have found that rapidly cycling through all the external views a couple times will return life to normal about 80% of the time.

Gotham wrote:

I have found that rapidly cycling through all the external views a couple times will return life to normal about 80% of the time.
Even if you can't get to the external views?  Like you press F11, and nothing happens?  Just hit them really F9, F10 and F11 really fast will fix it?

Our solution has been one of the two following:

1: I eject over the airfield, he flies over at 2 feet with full afterburner and I jump in. 
2: We crash into the enemy airfield, and take their two seater if that's an option.

Last edited by BigDaddy83 (2006-04-05 08:55:07)

Sponsored by Ready Brek... The Nation's Favourite
+7|6704|Farmland, England
i found the the above "glitch" happens when your missile clip is reloading, and you're stuck in missile mode until the missiles are available again. :p

BigDaddy83 wrote:

Gotham wrote:

I have found that rapidly cycling through all the external views a couple times will return life to normal about 80% of the time.
Even if you can't get to the external views?  Like you press F11, and nothing happens?  Just hit them really F9, F10 and F11 really fast will fix it?

Our solution has been one of the two following:

1: I eject over the airfield, he flies over at 2 feet with full afterburner and I jump in. 
2: We crash into the enemy airfield, and take their two seater if that's an option.
Well the other 20% is your stuck looking out the glass and cant do anything.
J-10 whore

Gotham wrote:

BigDaddy83 wrote:

Gotham wrote:

I have found that rapidly cycling through all the external views a couple times will return life to normal about 80% of the time.
Even if you can't get to the external views?  Like you press F11, and nothing happens?  Just hit them really F9, F10 and F11 really fast will fix it?

Our solution has been one of the two following:

1: I eject over the airfield, he flies over at 2 feet with full afterburner and I jump in. 
2: We crash into the enemy airfield, and take their two seater if that's an option.
Well the other 20% is your stuck looking out the glass and cant do anything.
Well enjoy the nice view of the sky then:P Know what my buddy said? He said he was giddy because i flew too fast avoiding a jet.
J-10 whore
btw guys, anyone knows the delay of the reloading of the missile?

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