Hey, i bet you guys have been seeing screenshots around different forums and seeing that some people have things like "You Owned (name)" instead of "You killed (name)". Well today we can learn how to do that This tutorial will show you how to personalize your HUD with changing the words displayed when you or someone kills someone else.
1: Locate your Localization Folder!
90% of the time your localization folder will be found at C:/Program Files/EAGAMES/Battlefield2/mods/bf2/localization/english
If you are up to the date with the latest patch you should see 5 icons in there. If this is your first time doing this they will most likely look as if they arent formatted. To open one of them, double click the one labelled "English" and it should bring up a window asking you what program you want to use to open it with. Select notepad from the list and you will notice that the file extention is now UTXT. Now everytime you go to open a UTXT file, it should open in notepad.
Immediately upon opening, you want to click save as and save this somewhere (your desktop for example) This is an incredibly crucial step when editing/coding anything. ALWAYS make a backup file incase you fuck up!
2. What to edit and what not to edit
Okay, when you open this folder you will most likely be scared and cower to the nearest computer, when your done that, come back and we will continue the tutorial. Anyways, when you see that document you should see something like this:

Now, we need not worry, scroll down a couple times and it will start to look like real words Now, i've scrolled down a bit so that i may label what you can and can't touch. Have a look:

2.5: Knowing what to edit and what it will do
Okay, this is pretty easy to make out. Alls you need is the knowledge to know what is what. For example:
Say that on the left it says "KILLMESSAGE_WEAPON_m16a2". That should tell you alot of things, first, KILLMESSAGE means that it is the message shown when someone is killed. Which are displayed up in the top left corner of your ingame screen. next is WEAPON, which tells you that it is a weapon. And lastly the m16a2, which tells you that the weapon name is the m16a2. So, you have now located the part where it displays a message for people killed by an m16a2. If you look slightly to the left of the KILLMESSAGE part, you will see two boxes, then M16A2, then two more boxes. In between those two boxes is what is displayed, and this is where you edit!
So, lets change it to something. For example, if you delete the text in there, and put "Banana" your kill message will look something like this:

Now, what could be more fun than killing someone with a banana? lol.
Anywho, you can go on down the list creating weird names for them all, it's good for a laugh But if you think tactical, you may want to do what I do, beside the weapon name put the kit name. you can get the name of the guns and the kit name from the Wiki section at bf2s.com [ http://wiki.bf2s.com/ ] This has helped me quite a bit actually. It's nice knowing what kit everyone has, also allows you to take a kit that may be good against the oposing kit. (This is especially helpful to people that aren't familiar with the weapons in the game yet)
So thats just the Killmessage part. Now on to bigger fish
3: Let the editing begin!
Okay, so you know how to change a killmessage but can you change other things? I'll teach you some tricks of the trade
First, you may have been playing and seen what people call 'The Orange Name Glitch'. Well we can get that on your HUD by doing the following:
Find what you want to modify, i've chosen to change my "You killed" message to show the player's name that i killed in orange. So what i will do is where it says §0# is will change that to §C1001# and where it says #§1 i will change it to #§C1001. So you should go from this §0#PLAYERNAME#§1 to this §C1001#PLAYERNAME#§C1001 i now get this message:

Cool huh? You can change alot of things to be that color, like, up where we did the weapon name change, so that it appears in orange like so:

Locate this line: HUD_HUD_KILLEDBY_KILLS §0#PLAYERNAME1# [§0#WEAPON#§1] #PLAYERNAME2# and replace the "§0#PLAYERNAME1# [§0#WEAPON#§1] #PLAYERNAME2#" with §0#PLAYERNAME1# [§C1001#WEAPON#§C1001] #PLAYERNAME2# and that shall be it!
Play around with this stuff guys, just always make a backup before you try to edit anything. I won't take any responsibility for you fucking up your game or having it not work. So MAKE A BACKUP!
Now, heres some of my edits, each of them, you can do using this tutorial!

Thanks guys, hopefully you guys find this usefull!
Tearsofromance // PunkX
Edit: If anyone needs help with this feel free to PM me or post your problem here, i wil try my best to help you out!
Braught to you by Tearsofromance // PunkX of bf2s.com ( http://www.bf2s.com )
1: Locate your Localization Folder!
90% of the time your localization folder will be found at C:/Program Files/EAGAMES/Battlefield2/mods/bf2/localization/english
If you are up to the date with the latest patch you should see 5 icons in there. If this is your first time doing this they will most likely look as if they arent formatted. To open one of them, double click the one labelled "English" and it should bring up a window asking you what program you want to use to open it with. Select notepad from the list and you will notice that the file extention is now UTXT. Now everytime you go to open a UTXT file, it should open in notepad.
Immediately upon opening, you want to click save as and save this somewhere (your desktop for example) This is an incredibly crucial step when editing/coding anything. ALWAYS make a backup file incase you fuck up!
2. What to edit and what not to edit
Okay, when you open this folder you will most likely be scared and cower to the nearest computer, when your done that, come back and we will continue the tutorial. Anyways, when you see that document you should see something like this:

Now, we need not worry, scroll down a couple times and it will start to look like real words Now, i've scrolled down a bit so that i may label what you can and can't touch. Have a look:

2.5: Knowing what to edit and what it will do
Okay, this is pretty easy to make out. Alls you need is the knowledge to know what is what. For example:
Say that on the left it says "KILLMESSAGE_WEAPON_m16a2". That should tell you alot of things, first, KILLMESSAGE means that it is the message shown when someone is killed. Which are displayed up in the top left corner of your ingame screen. next is WEAPON, which tells you that it is a weapon. And lastly the m16a2, which tells you that the weapon name is the m16a2. So, you have now located the part where it displays a message for people killed by an m16a2. If you look slightly to the left of the KILLMESSAGE part, you will see two boxes, then M16A2, then two more boxes. In between those two boxes is what is displayed, and this is where you edit!
So, lets change it to something. For example, if you delete the text in there, and put "Banana" your kill message will look something like this:

Now, what could be more fun than killing someone with a banana? lol.
Anywho, you can go on down the list creating weird names for them all, it's good for a laugh But if you think tactical, you may want to do what I do, beside the weapon name put the kit name. you can get the name of the guns and the kit name from the Wiki section at bf2s.com [ http://wiki.bf2s.com/ ] This has helped me quite a bit actually. It's nice knowing what kit everyone has, also allows you to take a kit that may be good against the oposing kit. (This is especially helpful to people that aren't familiar with the weapons in the game yet)
So thats just the Killmessage part. Now on to bigger fish
3: Let the editing begin!
Okay, so you know how to change a killmessage but can you change other things? I'll teach you some tricks of the trade
First, you may have been playing and seen what people call 'The Orange Name Glitch'. Well we can get that on your HUD by doing the following:
Find what you want to modify, i've chosen to change my "You killed" message to show the player's name that i killed in orange. So what i will do is where it says §0# is will change that to §C1001# and where it says #§1 i will change it to #§C1001. So you should go from this §0#PLAYERNAME#§1 to this §C1001#PLAYERNAME#§C1001 i now get this message:

Cool huh? You can change alot of things to be that color, like, up where we did the weapon name change, so that it appears in orange like so:

Locate this line: HUD_HUD_KILLEDBY_KILLS §0#PLAYERNAME1# [§0#WEAPON#§1] #PLAYERNAME2# and replace the "§0#PLAYERNAME1# [§0#WEAPON#§1] #PLAYERNAME2#" with §0#PLAYERNAME1# [§C1001#WEAPON#§C1001] #PLAYERNAME2# and that shall be it!
Play around with this stuff guys, just always make a backup before you try to edit anything. I won't take any responsibility for you fucking up your game or having it not work. So MAKE A BACKUP!
Now, heres some of my edits, each of them, you can do using this tutorial!

Thanks guys, hopefully you guys find this usefull!
Tearsofromance // PunkX
Edit: If anyone needs help with this feel free to PM me or post your problem here, i wil try my best to help you out!
Braught to you by Tearsofromance // PunkX of bf2s.com ( http://www.bf2s.com )
Last edited by PunkX (2006-05-29 09:43:55)