
I love walking naked around the house naked when nobody is home, feels good. So do you think people should mind their own bussiness and not look in his windows or do you think he should cover up in his own home?
Looks like the house is a decent distance back from the road.  Man has a right to walk around naked in his own home.
Bellicose Yankee Air Pirate

He should at least pull the blinds/curtains if he's going to walk around au naturale.

I used to live in Springfield. It's a well-established area with a lot of kids and the bus stops are clearly marked and well-known. He certainly has the right to walk around in the buff in his house, but he also has the responsibility to keep that away from the outside world...particularly the kids at the bus stop outside.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
― Albert Einstein

Doing the popular thing is not always right. Doing the right thing is not always popular
smells like wee wee

Macbeth wrote:

I love walking naked around the house naked when nobody is home, feels good.
pics please
+783|6989|Reykjavík, Iceland.
Indecent exposure is bullshit anyway.

"Oh noes, my daughter saw a male reproductive organ, she's scarred for life!"

I can understand that you are not supposed to walk around outside au naturale, but he was in his own home ffs.
Well butter my buscuit
I don't know what is wrong with that. It's in his own home. How is that illegal, when my local Holiday Inn just had a swingers convention where the people were allowed to walk around the entire hotel naked? My one buddy who was a life guard there said they were having orgy's in the pool/hot tub.
This is fucking bullshit.

Chou wrote:

This is fucking bullshit.
+572|6805|BC, Canada
over-reacting is awesome!
Superior Mind
(not macbeth)
A nation of prudes.
He was arrested because he did not close the curtains/cover up the windows which made his nude body visible to the outside world. Indecent exposure at best. Tbh, I wouldn't want my 6 year old sister seeing some random guy naked while she walks home from school. I really have no problem if you are naked in your own home, just aslong as you don't do it in a way where any pedestrian passing your house unintentionally gets a glance of your naked body.
Grow up, or die

13/f/taiwan wrote:

He was arrested because he did not close the curtains/cover up the windows which made his nude body visible to the outside world. Indecent exposure at best. Tbh, I wouldn't want my 6 year old sister seeing some random guy naked while she walks home from school. I really have no problem if you are naked in your own home, just aslong as you don't do it in a way where any pedestrian passing your house unintentionally gets a glance of your naked body.
This seems fair
Germans did 911
+427|6827|Disaster Free Zone

13/f/taiwan wrote:

He was arrested because he did not close the curtains/cover up the windows which made his nude body visible to the outside world. Indecent exposure at best. Tbh, I wouldn't want my 6 year old sister seeing some random guy naked while she walks home from school. I really have no problem if you are naked in your own home, just aslong as you don't do it in a way where any pedestrian passing your house unintentionally gets a glance of your naked body.
bah, stop looking onto peoples windows then and mind your own business.
Religions Hate Facts, Questions and Doubts
maybe the guy should wear flesh colored shorts and draw lines on the crotch to similate pubic hair then it would be alright.
The US economy is a giant Ponzi scheme. And 'to big to fail' is code speak for 'niahnahniahniahnah 99 percenters'

Stubbee wrote:

maybe the guy should wear flesh colored shorts and draw lines on the crotch to similate pubic hair then it would be alright.
maybe the guy should wear

nothing ffs it's his house, his home. i would blast a fucker try to tell me how to behave in MY home. including you fuckers.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

i'll bet if this were a woman nothing would have happened

I'm on the "walk around naked" side of this argument. People have a "reasonable expectation of privacy" while in their own homes. That's why you can sue people for taking pictures of you through windows -- even if the window curtain isn't drawn.
+947|6658|Gold Coast
*gasp* ITS CHUY!!!

Its such an over-reaction to a non-event. I mean, if I was the cop, Id probably just tell him to be mindful of kids/time of day when prancing around the house nude, but wouldnt go as far as actually arresting or filing an actual doccumented report on it.

And such hype over him being drunk. I mean, dont the people criticising the guy have better things to do than this?


AussieReaper wrote:

i'll bet if this were a woman nothing would have happened
wrong, whoever looked and saw would have been arrested and charge with a sex crime and registered as a sex offender for life.

nudity is evil

edit: wtf could you have even seen, guy is probably covered in hair

Last edited by jsnipy (2009-10-22 23:32:04)

Qualified Expert
+62|6611|Melbourne - Home of Football
"The case in this suspect"

"A stop where schoolchildren pick up buses"

One incorrect language use probably due to face make-up overdone being.

Second just ugly expression.

Back to journalism school please.
Northern numpty
+194|6593|Boulder, CO
I would have just knocked on his door and politely asked him to close the curtains or something similar if he wanted to walk around nude.
Little BaBy JESUS

lowing wrote:

AussieReaper wrote:

i'll bet if this were a woman nothing would have happened
wrong, whoever looked and saw would have been arrested and charge with a sex crime and registered as a sex offender for life.
Double standards win

Anyway, on topic.
Yeah its pretty stupid, you (he) should be allowed to be naked in your (his) own home. Except I think its reasonable to ask that windows facing the street should have blinds/curtains drawn
smells like wee wee
Has ATG blamed this on Obama yet?
I blame George W Bush for this obscene act.

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