+149|6368|teh FIN-land
Personally I reckon this is a friggin BRILLIANT idea :thumbsup: … a-pepsi-us

"They brought the world Coca-Cola and Pepsi, two of the globe's most recognisable brands. Now Americans – not renowned for favouring new taxes – have been told that a national levy on its fizzy drinks could not only wipe out the budget deficits of most US states but significantly reduce obesity and diabetes.

The proposal from the Centre for Science in the Public Interest – a health advocacy group – follows the release of a study last week claiming budget-strapped states, including California, could raise $10bn (£6bn) a year by raising a tax of 7 cents on each can of Coke or similar sodas.

Twenty-five American states already tax fizzy drinks. The new study suggests that all states should be made to follow suit. The issue has been taken up by President Barack Obama, who has said in public statements that he believes too many children are drinking sugary drinks. Indeed Obama has said such a national tax could lower health expenditure.

The proposal is being bitterly opposed by the food industry and their lobby groups. "The tax code should not be used as a tool for social engineering. Nor should it be an instrument for penalising individuals' personal food choices – choices that some government officials find distasteful," J Justin Wilson, senior research analyst at the Centre for Consumer Freedom, told the Los Angeles Times.

"Taxing soda pop is another paternalistic policy idea, which holds that politicians and government regulators, rather than individual citizens, should decide every aspect of what, where and when we eat," he said.

"President Obama is exactly right when he says kids are drinking too much soda," said Michael Jacobson, executive director of the Centre for Science in the Public Interest. "Soda is dirt cheap and promotes expensive and debilitating diseases, which in turn run up health care costs at all levels of government.""
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6811|NT, like Mick Dundee

They should bring that in here. They already tax the shit out of alcohol and tobacco.

Fuck nobody tell Swan or he'll try put it in the next budget.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Crotch fires and you: the untold story
+314|6885|Comber, Northern Ireland
this world is gettin fucking weird
What a dumb idea. If people want to drink soda they shouldn't be penalized for it. Here's a tip: soda may be cheap, but water is cheaper.

CapnNismo wrote:

What a dumb idea. If people want to drink soda they shouldn't be penalized for it. Here's a tip: soda may be cheap, but water is cheaper.
It raises a shitload of revenue. People aren't really gonna bitch at a 7 cent increase. Hell most of the obesity caused in America is due to the side effects of coke.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

CapnNismo wrote:

What a dumb idea. If people want to drink soda they shouldn't be penalized for it. Here's a tip: soda may be cheap, but water is cheaper.
^ This man has never paid for bottled water.

Neither have I, what a rip off.
O' HAL naw!
+470|6724|Columbus, OH
As long as they do not tax my Internetz, I am fine
Russian warship, go fuck yourself
+2,054|6769|Little Bentcock
As long as they apply all the revenue raised from the taxes back into the health budget.
+250|6557|Eskimo land. AKA Canada.
Seven cents!


AussieReaper wrote:

CapnNismo wrote:

What a dumb idea. If people want to drink soda they shouldn't be penalized for it. Here's a tip: soda may be cheap, but water is cheaper.
^ This man has never paid for bottled water.

Neither have I, what a rip off.
I have to because my country has shit water management.

Cybargs wrote:

AussieReaper wrote:

CapnNismo wrote:

What a dumb idea. If people want to drink soda they shouldn't be penalized for it. Here's a tip: soda may be cheap, but water is cheaper.
^ This man has never paid for bottled water.

Neither have I, what a rip off.
I have to because my country has shit water management.
Perhaps you should get a better country, then!
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
They found that it is effective at making money for the government, but not so much curbing obesity.

ruisleipa wrote:

"The tax code should not be used as a tool for social engineering. Nor should it be an instrument for penalising individuals' personal food choices – choices that some government officials find distasteful," J Justin Wilson, senior research analyst at the Centre for Consumer Freedom, told the Los Angeles Times.
What about taxing alcohol and fuel and cigarettes?
This guy has never met an economist, it's called correcting market failure.
+1,411|6888|FUCK UBISOFT

Taxing in general is bad for an economy. Anyways, it can either help obesity, earn money, or neither, seeing as it makes money if fatties buy the drinks and loses money if they don't.

Sure, maybe it looks good on the outside, but it's not a good idea.
If done properly, fiscal policy (Taxing and giving money out as benefits etc.) can help to lessen the peaks and troughs of the economic cycle (in theory). Which means slower booms, but less severs busts. Helps to stop the shitstorms like we have atm.
Work and study @ Technical Uni

Lol its cheaper to buy beer than coke. Good job!

Last edited by GC_PaNzerFIN (2009-10-07 11:46:23)

3930K | H100i | RIVF | 16GB DDR3 | GTX 480 | AX750 | 800D | 512GB SSD | 3TB HDD | Xonar DX | W8
+149|6368|teh FIN-land

GC_PaNzerFIN wrote:

Lol its cheaper to buy beer than coke. Good job!
You must have noticed here in Finland that is in fact true. It is also cheaper to buy beer than bottled water.
Blademaster's bottom bitch
+387|6366|Phoenix, AZ

jamiet757 wrote:

as far as I know in PA there has always been a tax on soda. Food is not taxed, but soda counts as a luxury.
I used to live in PA and dont really remember hearing anything about that
Moderating your content for the Australian Govt.
+879|6867|Sydney, Australia

PrivateVendetta wrote:

ruisleipa wrote:

"The tax code should not be used as a tool for social engineering. Nor should it be an instrument for penalising individuals' personal food choices – choices that some government officials find distasteful," J Justin Wilson, senior research analyst at the Centre for Consumer Freedom, told the Los Angeles Times.
What about taxing alcohol and fuel and cigarettes?
This guy has never met an economist, it's called correcting market failure.
Lol, that guy has to be getting a nice deal from someone in the industry to be making claims like that.

Good idea with the tax. I drink too much coke.. and I know it's bad for me, but it's cheap. If it cost more... I wouldn't have it nearly as much.
+1,411|6888|FUCK UBISOFT

mcminty wrote:

PrivateVendetta wrote:

ruisleipa wrote:

"The tax code should not be used as a tool for social engineering. Nor should it be an instrument for penalising individuals' personal food choices – choices that some government officials find distasteful," J Justin Wilson, senior research analyst at the Centre for Consumer Freedom, told the Los Angeles Times.
What about taxing alcohol and fuel and cigarettes?
This guy has never met an economist, it's called correcting market failure.
Lol, that guy has to be getting a nice deal from someone in the industry to be making claims like that.

Good idea with the tax. I drink too much coke.. and I know it's bad for me, but it's cheap. If it cost more... I wouldn't have it nearly as much.
and the company wouldn't make nearly as much money and the economy would worsen.

But at least we wouldn't be fat.

ruisleipa wrote:

"They brought the world Coca-Cola and Pepsi, two of the globe's most recognisable brands. Now Americans – not renowned for favouring new taxes – have been told that a national levy on its fizzy drinks could not only wipe out the budget deficits of most US states but significantly reduce obesity and diabetes.
That's funny. Ohio already taxes pop and we still have budget problems and fat people.

mcminty wrote:

If it cost more... I wouldn't have it nearly as much.
profit through mass production.
cola is nectar of the tards.
Grow up, or die
Really? Why is anyone bitching? Its seven cents. Seven cents. If you have a glass of wine or even milk, you literally piss away more than that. By the way, I've seen many times where soda was cheaper than water. Especially when it gets to bigger proportions, of course.
Pendulous Sweaty Balls
+1,538|5848|College Park, MD
I can't imagine how soda can be cheaper than water. Cheaper than that high-end designer water like Fiji and Voss yeah, but tap water? That stuff's dirt cheap

edit: Just calculated it, I think it costs maybe 5 cents to fill up a 20 oz water bottle in DC. 20oz of soda is at least a dollar.

Last edited by Hurricane2k9 (2009-10-08 00:52:06)
Germans did 911
+427|6827|Disaster Free Zone

Miggle wrote:

mcminty wrote:

PrivateVendetta wrote:

What about taxing alcohol and fuel and cigarettes?
This guy has never met an economist, it's called correcting market failure.
Lol, that guy has to be getting a nice deal from someone in the industry to be making claims like that.

Good idea with the tax. I drink too much coke.. and I know it's bad for me, but it's cheap. If it cost more... I wouldn't have it nearly as much.
and the company wouldn't make nearly as much money and the economy would worsen.

But at least we wouldn't be fat.
Umm, it's 1 company that is about 90% mechanised, very few jobs will be lost, not to mention the small price increase will have very little effect on sales.

Hurricane2k9 wrote:

I can't imagine how soda can be cheaper than water. Cheaper than that high-end designer water like Fiji and Voss yeah, but tap water? That stuff's dirt cheap

edit: Just calculated it, I think it costs maybe 5 cents to fill up a 20 oz water bottle in DC. 20oz of soda is at least a dollar.
How much is 20oz?
Cause that seems fuck expensive for tap water. Here its $1.31 for 1000 litres.

google wrote:

20 US fluid ounces = 0.591470591 litres
Dude... you pay like 65 times what we do.

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