So yeah, after buying a new MP3 (YP-P3 for any curious people) I decided I should invest in a new set of earphones.
This took some time, as I wanted to narrow it down to the best selection of earphones I could get. I've owned my fair share of good earphones:
Etymotic ER6i, Shure SE210, Shure SE102s and finally had a pair of Sennheiser CX-95 Styles.
I've tried Dennons, Jays and other Etymotics as well.
So after much consideration, looking at Klipsch Image X5s, Etymotic HF2s and Ultimate Ears 700, I decided to go for the last ones. My god was it a good choice. I read some reviews on all of them, and both the Etymotic and the Klipsch lacked in Bass (something which my Sennheisers certainly did not) but all I heard from the UE was all positive.
Got them at 8am, which I was pleased about - could go to work with them.
First thoughts:
Hellishly sleek and small. Solid, yet not too thick cable, nice box to keep all the extra tips in.
Plug them in and start listening. Fucking hell are they incredible. I start off with some Wilco - Jesus, etc and the sound quality is baffling. The highs and mids are fantastically clear and the voice is so damn crisp. So yeah, great start, now onto the part which was bugging me - I don't usually listen to a lot of bass heavy music, but when I do, I like to be able to fear the pulse in my ears. To my surprise, these little things did the job amazingly well, and did not sacrifice any quality to produce as good a bass sound as my CX-95s.
For £125, I think they are a fucking awesome buy. Certainly better than the Shure's and the Etymotics. Both had fantastic sound, the Shures better on the mids and the Etymotics better on the highs whilst the CX-95s were all rounders with a better bass. Now, clearly they are quite expensive, but for the sound quality, definitely worth the money.
The comfort of them is unparalled. They are so light that you don't even notice them in your ears, and the seal is always perfect. Be it using the Comply (yes, they come with Comply ear tips) tips or the basic rubber tips, the comfort of them is unbelievable. Most earphones, however expensive, usually start hurting after prolongued use. I had these babes in from 8:30 till 16:30 without a problem.
What was wrong with my CX-95s? Nothing, absolutely nothing. They were a fantastic pair of earphones, and weren't too expensive (£50) for what you get. Only problem was my ears, they didn't seem to like them that much and the seal was never perfect. Other than that, my other earphones I've had I would recommend, but if you're willing to spend a bit more, then seriously consider these, because for £125, you aren't going to get anything better.
I know lots of you guys like listening to music, so I thought I would give my personal opinion on the new earphones and the ones I've used in the past.