
Iran: Selection or Election?

Selection/fraud85%85% - 81
Election/legitimate14%14% - 14
Total: 95

Narupug wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

They made it so his opponent didn't even come close in his hometown . It's kinda suspect that the third candidate received less than 1% also.
overrigging to the max.  Voting is pretty fixed over here in Chicagoland, but the powers that be make it at least somewhat convincing, Ahmadinejad could learn a thing or two
But in Chicagoland the rigging isn't religiously motivated, I've said it before and I'll say it again "Religion makes people do stupid stuff."
This stupid decision is likely to lead to the overthrow of the entire government if not corrected.
Not really religiously motivated as much as motivated for not wanting reform and motivated by lust for power. Not bash religion time. Doubt it'll overthrow the government. Considering the winner (fuck spelling his name) still has a bunch of supporters all over the place and control of the military he won't be overthrown.
+429|6485|Chicago, IL

Narupug wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

They made it so his opponent didn't even come close in his hometown . It's kinda suspect that the third candidate received less than 1% also.
overrigging to the max.  Voting is pretty fixed over here in Chicagoland, but the powers that be make it at least somewhat convincing, Ahmadinejad could learn a thing or two
But in Chicagoland the rigging isn't religiously motivated, I've said it before and I'll say it again "Religion makes people do stupid stuff."
This stupid decision is likely to lead to the overthrow of the entire government if not corrected.
But for Iranian youth, religion is a thing you do on Sunday (or Saturday in their case I believe), not a way of life.  It is possible to be both Muslin and sane, maybe Iran will soon join the small club of nations that have figured that out.

I just hope the transition goes down without too much civil warring.
+240|6703|Austin, TX

[TUF]Catbox wrote:

I wonder if the people could overthrow the iranian govt?  Wouldn't the govt/military squash that?
The light is shining on Iran right now and it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out.
It depends what side the military comes down on.  It might come down to the loyalties or political leanings of individual commanders.  Remember, if it fails, it is a civil war; if it succeeds, it is a revolution.

imortal wrote:

[TUF]Catbox wrote:

I wonder if the people could overthrow the iranian govt?  Wouldn't the govt/military squash that?
The light is shining on Iran right now and it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out.
It depends what side the military comes down on.  It might come down to the loyalties or political leanings of individual commanders.  Remember, if it fails, it is a civil war; if it succeeds, it is a revolution.
Viva La Revolution...
Love is the answer
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6639|132 and Bush

Flecco wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

Fraud, I can see Ahmadinejad winning, but not by a 2:1 margin.

Hopefully Iran's youth won't get pummeled too badly though, I'd really like to see the ayatollah system removed, but Mousavi is a good start.
They made it so his opponent didn't even come close in his hometown . It's kinda suspect that the third candidate received less than 1% also.
1.3% or something stupid. Out of 40,000,000 voters, I don't think so.
US analysts had said less than 1. Not that I neccesarily think the Obama administration is credible.
U.S. analysts find it "not credible" that challenger Mir Hossein Mousavi would have lost the balloting in his hometown or that a third candidate, Mehdi Karoubi, would have received less than 1 percent of the total vote, a senior U.S. officials told FOX News.
Mehdi Karoubi, a third-party candidate, received less than one percent of the vote, despite evidence of far greater support.
But whatever, obscene either way.

... and there is this.
Iranian state media reported was a “surprise” early declaration that Mr. Ahmadinejad had won, after less than 20% of the ballots had been counted.
http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/0 … s/?apage=5
Xbone Stormsurgezz
Fodder Mostly

Reciprocity wrote:

Narupug wrote:

But in Chicagoland the rigging isn't religiously motivated, I've said it before and I'll say it again "Religion makes people do stupid stuff."
This stupid decision is likely to lead to the overthrow of the entire government if not corrected.
it's not about religion in iran, just power.
Ah but the people who want power are of the Conservative Islamic anti-US type.  Yes it is for power, but these people no doubt justify it with a "This is what Allah wants"

imortal wrote:

[TUF]Catbox wrote:

I wonder if the people could overthrow the iranian govt?  Wouldn't the govt/military squash that?
The light is shining on Iran right now and it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out.
It depends what side the military comes down on.  It might come down to the loyalties or political leanings of individual commanders.  Remember, if it fails, it is a civil war; if it succeeds, it is a revolution.
If it fails it's a rebellion, if it succeeds it's a revolution, if it is on going it's a civil war.

But whatever I'm just being a dick arguing semantics. Have a good day everyone.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6703|NT, like Mick Dundee

Narupug wrote:

Reciprocity wrote:

Narupug wrote:

But in Chicagoland the rigging isn't religiously motivated, I've said it before and I'll say it again "Religion makes people do stupid stuff."
This stupid decision is likely to lead to the overthrow of the entire government if not corrected.
it's not about religion in iran, just power.
Ah but the people who want power are of the Conservative Islamic anti-US type.  Yes it is for power, but these people no doubt justify it with a "This is what Allah wants"
Religion is just a tool.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
+240|6703|Austin, TX

Macbeth wrote:

imortal wrote:

[TUF]Catbox wrote:

I wonder if the people could overthrow the iranian govt?  Wouldn't the govt/military squash that?
The light is shining on Iran right now and it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out.
It depends what side the military comes down on.  It might come down to the loyalties or political leanings of individual commanders.  Remember, if it fails, it is a civil war; if it succeeds, it is a revolution.
If it fails it's a rebellion, if it succeeds it's a revolution, if it is on going it's a civil war.

But whatever I'm just being a dick arguing semantics. Have a good day everyone.
okay, I will give that one to you.
+240|6703|Austin, TX

Flecco wrote:

Narupug wrote:

Reciprocity wrote:

it's not about religion in iran, just power.
Ah but the people who want power are of the Conservative Islamic anti-US type.  Yes it is for power, but these people no doubt justify it with a "This is what Allah wants"
Religion is just a tool.
It is a tool for some.  For others, it is deadly serious.  The problem is, those who use it as a tool can easily direct those wo take it seriously and mold them how they please.
formerly from OC (it's EXACTLY like on tv)[truth]
+77|5649|Greatest Nation on Earth(USA)

Poseidon wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

Poseidon wrote:

Holy shit @ that video. Watts riots anyone?

There's no way he won legitimately. Even if he did, there's no way it was with the margin they claim.
I got your holy shit swingin ... right here.

someone make a pun

right now

Iranians: Impressive Technical skills.

There's definitely no way he won this one, I hope
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6639|132 and Bush

This is very much about old vs new. Progressive vs Religious conservatism.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+429|6485|Chicago, IL

Kmarion wrote:

This is very much about old vs new. Progressive vs Religious conservatism.
the trick is, one gets then admitted into the global community and all the benefits that entails, and the other gets them marginalized even further.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6639|132 and Bush

S.Lythberg wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

This is very much about old vs new. Progressive vs Religious conservatism.
the trick is, one gets then admitted into the global community and all the benefits that entails, and the other gets them marginalized even further.
In MMA there is a saying "position before submission". It works for politics as well. Unfortunately the majority does not have position.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+429|6485|Chicago, IL

Kmarion wrote:

S.Lythberg wrote:

Kmarion wrote:

This is very much about old vs new. Progressive vs Religious conservatism.
the trick is, one gets then admitted into the global community and all the benefits that entails, and the other gets them marginalized even further.
In MMA there is a saying "position before submission". It works for politics as well. Unfortunately the majority does not have position.
It's hard to beat fanatics, they'd rather die and be a martyr than admit defeat, and that is certainly the case with much of the revolutionary guard.
iPod is broken.
+1,048|6703|NT, like Mick Dundee

imortal wrote:

Flecco wrote:

Narupug wrote:

Ah but the people who want power are of the Conservative Islamic anti-US type.  Yes it is for power, but these people no doubt justify it with a "This is what Allah wants"
Religion is just a tool.
It is a tool for some.  For others, it is deadly serious.  The problem is, those who use it as a tool can easily direct those wo take it seriously and mold them how they please.
That's what I meant.

Religion is used as a political tool to control the masses. Sure it makes some people feel good but mostly it's about power over others.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6639|132 and Bush

Some interesting stuff http://search.twitter.com/search?q=IranElection

From the real Mousavi account:
"Dear Iranian People, Mousavi has not left you alone, he has been put under house arrest by Ministry of Intelligence #IranElection"
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+240|6703|Austin, TX
Getting interesting.Election battles turn into street fights in Iran

The reformists' new hero, Mir Hossein Mousavi, declared himself the true winner of Friday's presidential race and urged backers to resist a government based on "lies and dictatorship."
Dangit! I got beat!  But, more interesting items from the article:

The door for possible compromise was closed by Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. He could have used his near-limitless powers to intervene in the election dispute. But, in a message on state TV, he urged the nation to unite behind Ahmadinejad, calling the result a "divine assessment."

There are no independent election monitors in Iran. Mousavi's claims, however, point to some noticeable breaks with past election counting.

The tallies from previous elections — time-consuming paper ballots — began to trickle in hours after polls closed. This time, huge chunks of results — millions at a time — poured in almost immediately from a huge turnout of about 85 percent of Iran's 46.2 million voters. The final outcome: 62.6 percent of the vote to Ahmadinejad and 33.75 for Mousavi, a former prime minister from the 1980s.

Last edited by imortal (2009-06-14 00:04:52)

Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6639|132 and Bush

Pwnage: http://andrewsullivan.theatlantic.com/t … me-in.html
GTFO. "Yes, this obviously was a "divine assessment". They didn't even attempt to disguise the fraud. Which, to me, tells me they panicked. This graph is a red flag to Iran and the world."

  • Near closing time of the polls, mobile text messaging was turned off nationwide   
  • Security forces poured out into the streets in large numbers   
  • The Ministry of Interior (election headquarters) was surrounded by concrete barriers and armed men   
  • National television began broadcasting pre-recorded messages calling for everyone to unite behind the winner   
  • he Mousavi campaign was informed officially that they had won the election, which perhaps served to temporarily lull  them into complacency   
  • But then the Ministry of Interior announced a landslide victory for Ahmadinejad   
  • Unlike previous elections, there was no breakdown of the vote by province, which would have provided a way of judging its credibility   
  • The voting patterns announced by the government were identical in all parts of the country, an impossibility.   
  • Less than 24 hours later, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamene`i  publicly announced his congratulations to the winner, apparently confirming that the process was complete and irrevocable, contrary to constitutional requirements   
  • Shortly thereafter, all mobile phones, Facebook, and other social networks were blocked, as well as major foreign news sources.

I'm seeing a lot of reports stating that this is an official coup atempt..
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+240|6703|Austin, TX
According to Yahoo, Mousavi has declared himself the winner.  I do not think this will end without a lot of bloodshed.
+5,233|6567|Global Command
I hope the Iranian people are strong and dispose of the leadership.

Only a matter of time before the shooting begins.
Truth is my Bitch
+5,695|6639|132 and Bush

ATG wrote:

I hope the Iranian people are strong and dispose of the leadership.

Only a matter of time before the shooting begins.
Report: already 50-100 dead.

Mousavi photo stream

They'll be no sleep..

Glad to see people getting around the internet blackout.
Xbone Stormsurgezz
+3,611|6659|London, England
It's obviously fraud and a fucked up election, apparently a-jod even won strongly in the hometown/region of the other guy. And yeah, those bulletpoints kez posted.

But a-jod has the backing of all the big institutions and the police/army etc.. so yeah, Iran has just turned into a military/police crazy dictatorship, not that it wasn't before but still
+240|6703|Austin, TX
Iran reformists arrested after Tehran riots

At least 10 leaders of two Iranian reformist groups who backed defeated presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi have been arrested after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's re-election in a deeply-disputed vote sparked riots across Tehran.
Are we now seeing a consolodation of power by way of arresting the competition?
+721|6619|the dank(super) side of Oregon
i'd be interested to see any intel on the loyalties of the iranian military leadership.  if they're all hardline ayatollah/Ahmadinejad backers, these kids don't stand a chance.

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