In yet another sign of how crazy the world has gotten; a world where republican is the same as liberal, a world where governments shovel money into banks we all know are liars, thieves and whores, the L.A. Times is no longer the hand wringng voice of brain dead liberalism.
The L.A. Times is speaking truth and we would all do well to listen.
Would you have if given the chance?
suck my balls. … 638.column
The L.A. Times is speaking truth and we would all do well to listen.
NONE of the policies put forth by the obama admin are designed to fix the economy. In fact, they need the economy to continue to tank so that more of us are dependent on them, so that radical concepts will be embraced by a desperate population."Rule 1: Never allow a crisis to go to waste," White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel told the New York Times right after the election. "They are opportunities to do big things." Over the weekend, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told members of the European Parliament, "Never waste a good crisis." Then President Obama explained in his Saturday radio and Internet address that there is "great opportunity in the midst of" the "great crisis" befalling America.
What we have is financial terrorism. People feel like our economy and government is out of control on a path towards total collapse. This in turn has people hoarding what assets they have. Far from doing or saying anything to make things better, the obama admin has packed his cabnit with tax cheats and the usual suspects from the federal reserve. ALL people will pay more taxes under obama. No matter what lies they tell, this is truth. Corporations do not pay taxes, people do. Cap and trade, etc. All will suck more money from the public with little to no return.Obama's budget priorities are a great bait-and-switch. He says he wants to fix the financial crisis, but he's focusing on selling his long-standing liberal agenda on healthcare, energy and education as the way to do it, even though his proposals have absolutely nothing to do with addressing the housing and toxic-debt problems that are the direct causes of our predicament. Indeed, some -- particularly on Wall Street -- would argue that his policies are making the crisis worse.
They know these policies would never be accepted by the public, unless the public is terrified and desperate. In two years we have gone from a mostly free market economy to a perverted sort of corporate socialism. Yes, it started under the great asshole george bush. Did you vote for this?But the real scandal isn't those policies, even though they're bad enough. The real scandal is that this administration thinks crises are opportunities for governmental power-grabs. Michael Kinsley famously said that a gaffe in Washington is when a politician accidentally tells the truth. As they say, it's funny because it's true.
But the White House tactic isn't funny at all. It's scary. Its amorality is outweighed only by the grotesque and astoundingly naked cynicism of it all.
Would you have if given the chance?
Hey Mr. President;Recall that not long ago, the first item on the bill of indictment against the Bush administration was that it was "exploiting" 9/11 to enact its agenda. Al Gore shrieked that President Bush "played on our fears" to get his way. In response to nearly every Bush policy proposal, from the Patriot Act to the toppling of Saddam Hussein, critics would caterwaul that Bush was taking advantage of the country's fear of terrorism.
Well, now we have the president, along with his chief aides, admitting -- boasting! -- that they want to exploit a national emergency for their preexisting agenda, and there's no scandal. No one even calls it a gaffe. No, they call it leadership.
It's not leadership. It's fear-mongering.
Franklin Roosevelt said that all we have to fear is fear itself. Now Barack Obama all but admits that all he has to fear is the loss of fear itself.
In other realms of life, exploiting a crisis for your own purposes is an outrage. If a business uses a hurricane warning, for example, to price-gouge on vital supplies, it is a crime. When a liberal administration does it, it's taking advantage of a historic opportunity.
suck my balls. … 638.column