Since they're nerfing the noobtube, Im gona noob tube-dolphin dive/bunny hop, and use it as my primary intill the next patch.

I am also gona use the c4 exploit, people are gona be so pissed at me though.
+34|7061|stop corecting my grammer!!!!!
i geus i could do that 2
Nay vee, bay bee.
+1,396|7060|The United Center

have fun when the new patch comes out and you're left with no skill whatsoever.
+59|7050|The land of Hookers and pod
Yes! I've prayed for a patch like this, and now it's finally coming. Now we can all fight like normal soldiers instead of a bunch of clowns who hop, dive and use the gl like their life's are depending on it.

Kusunagi wrote:

Yes! I've prayed for a patch like this, and now it's finally coming. Now we can all fight like normal soldiers instead of a bunch of clowns who hop, dive and use the gl like their life's are depending on it.
I think that DICE is slowly getting the things that need changing right
prince of insufficient light
I agree with nerfing the "n00b tube", but I don't like the way EA seems to be doing it. Putting a timer on the grenade is well and good, and I think that I will like it beccause of the times i accidentally jerk my hand and kill myself with it, unintentionally, even when there's not an enemy in sight. However, I hope they don't make the timer for 50+ feet as it is in real life. Yes that might be more reaalistic, but someone with shock paddles isn't going to be able to revive someone who's just been shot in the head with an m95 either. The GL would still have its uses, but they would be few and far between. I think it should be something in order of 10 feet, and splash damage reduced so that you have to hit them or land it right under their feet to kill them. I think it would take more skill then, and wouldn't be as much of a problem. But if they seriously handicap it, what's the point of being assault? Whenever I spawn assault it's because I want a to mow through some infantry, and that's what the class is made for. Otherwise why not spawn as medic? You've got the same gun, especially as MEC or China and instead of a grenade launcher that is now useless and a smoke grenade, you have hand grenades, medic bags and shock paddles. If they kill the grenade launcher no one is going to be assault, and you're just going to see a bunch of snipers and medics running around the map. I think there will be a new term for them which I guess will be called "shock paddle whoring"
+302|7049|Salt Lake City

I usually play Assault more than any class, but do play AT/Medic quite a bit as well.  I don't mind them reducing the damage radius or setting a minimum arming time/distance on the grenades, so long as the arming distance/time isn't too dramatic.

I'm glad the dolphin diving is gone, but the bunny hoppers never bothered me.  My K/D ratio against bunny hoppers is better than 1:1, and while playing last night went 5:1 against them.  So anyone that wants to look like an absolute idiot doing their "frog on a hot rock" immitation is more that welcome to do so (in my book) because I'm more than happy to kill them.
prince of insufficient light

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

I usually play Assault more than any class, but do play AT/Medic quite a bit as well.  I don't mind them reducing the damage radius or setting a minimum arming time/distance on the grenades, so long as the arming distance/time isn't too dramatic.

I'm glad the dolphin diving is gone, but the bunny hoppers never bothered me.  My K/D ratio against bunny hoppers is better than 1:1, and while playing last night went 5:1 against them.  So anyone that wants to look like an absolute idiot doing their "frog on a hot rock" immitation is more that welcome to do so (in my book) because I'm more than happy to kill them.
well its point blank that's the problem - i hope they realise this and not make the arming distance its rl level
prince of insufficient light
Again, I think rl level is too far for in game, you couldn't even hit the top of the hotel on karkand from that building you can climb up a coupple feet above the flag. I think that's about what the range should be, otherwise it will be pretty useless. Also, could people start posting if  they currently use the grenade launcher?

I do.
Thread Ender
+58|7037|New Hampshire

Kusunagi wrote:

Yes! I've prayed for a patch like this, and now it's finally coming. Now we can all fight like normal soldiers instead of a bunch of clowns who hop, dive and use the gl like their life's are depending on it.
Yes! I'm glad people can't adapt to other people's playing styles, learn to use different areas of the map (i.e. ones not involving close combat) and deal with a weapon.  Personally, after the patch comes out I might just use regular grenades and toss them right next to me, suiciding and taking someone with me.  I don't really care about the points, I just really want to piss everyone off.

If you can't learn to adapt to how people play you will never make it in this game.  I guarantee you that once the patch comes out and the noobtube is nerfed and bunnyhopping/dolphin diving reduced, players will find a new style of how to play which will still annoy everyone, netting in another round of bitching for Dice/EA to get rid of something.  As for anyone who complains about these weapons or styles of play belonging to people with no skill, if you can't shoot someone who is moving, or learn to shoot someone from a distance instead of being close enough for them to NOOB tube you (GL in close quarters) then it is indeed you who has no skill.
I do when I play as assault, though I haven't played much as assault lately.
. . .

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Agent_Dung_Bomb wrote:

I usually play Assault more than any class, but do play AT/Medic quite a bit as well.  I don't mind them reducing the damage radius or setting a minimum arming time/distance on the grenades, so long as the arming distance/time isn't too dramatic.

I'm glad the dolphin diving is gone, but the bunny hoppers never bothered me.  My K/D ratio against bunny hoppers is better than 1:1, and while playing last night went 5:1 against them.  So anyone that wants to look like an absolute idiot doing their "frog on a hot rock" immitation is more that welcome to do so (in my book) because I'm more than happy to kill them.
^ agreed again

But the jumping while shooting thing should not be disabled - just less accurate while jumping. You NEED to be able to shoot over fence-walls on roofs; etc; to reach targets often; and JUMPING was/is the only solution to not have that GL load or AT rocket blow up in your face. In the upcomming patch you will not be able to shoot at certain distant targets from certain posistions that you could before - this is an under-working (mistake in) of an idea - in terms of new game-logic (code) - IMO.

TehSeraphim wrote:

Kusunagi wrote:

Yes! I've prayed for a patch like this, and now it's finally coming. Now we can all fight like normal soldiers instead of a bunch of clowns who hop, dive and use the gl like their life's are depending on it.
Yes! I'm glad people can't adapt to other people's playing styles, learn to use different areas of the map (i.e. ones not involving close combat) and deal with a weapon.  Personally, after the patch comes out I might just use regular grenades and toss them right next to me, suiciding and taking someone with me.  I don't really care about the points, I just really want to piss everyone off.

If you can't learn to adapt to how people play you will never make it in this game.  I guarantee you that once the patch comes out and the noobtube is nerfed and bunnyhopping/dolphin diving reduced, players will find a new style of how to play which will still annoy everyone, netting in another round of bitching for Dice/EA to get rid of something.  As for anyone who complains about these weapons or styles of play belonging to people with no skill, if you can't shoot someone who is moving, or learn to shoot someone from a distance instead of being close enough for them to NOOB tube you (GL in close quarters) then it is indeed you who has no skill.
True and I never really care/have cared how I get/got killed by an oppenent. TK's are what are annoying to me - anyway and but . . .

You have to admit that doplhin-diving looks retarded as far as game graphics go. . .

Last edited by topal63 (2006-01-13 10:09:27)

prince of insufficient light
Exactly Tehseraphim, thank you.

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Also, could people start posting if  they currently use the grenade launcher?

I do.
I like to use the GL for the right situation but check this guy out
you wanna talk GL wh0re, 20 more hours carrying GL then anything else for a total of 77 hours

And my K : D ratio is not that good as a medic but a K : D under 1 with that weapon and you know whats going on.
. . .

RandomZer0 wrote:

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Also, could people start posting if  they currently use the grenade launcher?

I do.
I like to use the GL for the right situation but check this guy out
you wanna talk GL wh0re, 20 more hours carrying GL then anything else for a total of 77 hours

And my K : D ratio is not that good as a medic but a K : D under 1 with that weapon and you know whats going on.
No check out this WHORE - ME!
prince of insufficient light
Wow, I'd have to agree with you.

Those are my stats and you can see, they may not be the best but at least I've got way more than twice the kills on my assault rifle than on my grenade launcher. In my opinion if the grenade launcher is the weapon you use the most, their's a problem.
. . .
Why? I can estimate the arc of the GL even to very distant targets - and how am I supposed to become an expert at the GL if I don't use it a LOT?

Why can't there be an EXPERT medic.
Why can't there be an EXPERT AT.
Why can't there be an EXPERT engineer.
Why can't there be an EXPERT with C4.
Why can't there be an EXPERT with the GL.
ETC. . .

In a game with different classes - else everyone will be a medic in BF2.

Also even when then patch comes out - odds are I will be nearly as effective as I was before with it - as most of my GL hits are direct hits anyway - whilst I was NOT jumping around.

Last edited by topal63 (2006-01-13 10:21:03)

i love using the gl on long range targets - it takes some skill to take out a sniper you can barely see with it
i've only used the gl once ever at extreme close range and regretted it - the other guy had the drop on me and it was his kill i felt bad

the only problem is the misuse of it means that using it against vehicles is much harder - which was its original purpose and what it is very handy for ingame
prince of insufficient light
I say that not just because you run around with a grenade launcher instead of your assault rifle, but because you get assault rifle time with medic too. In you case you don't play medic alot, but in most cases people do. If you don't have enough assault rifle time from two classes to overcome your GL time, something is wrong. Their are always exceptions, and your case seems to be one of them. However, I do look at your stats and tend to think that you are one of those people that when they miss with their first grenade, they start jumping around reloading instead of switching to their rifle. I'm not saying that you were jumping around to start with, but I haven't seen anybody that after their first round missed either started jumping around while relaoding or pulled out their assualt rifle. Not that I'm complaining, just means your an easy target for me.

When EA says made for use against vehicles, that's stupid. It can only effectively be used against hummers and vodniks, and it can't even kill those in one hit. I think EA orginally designed them for anti-infantry, and doesn't want to admit it because they would recieve massive amounts of flak from the public, moreso than they are now.

Last edited by Flaming_Maniac (2006-01-13 10:31:08)

. . .

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

I say that not just because you run around with a grenade launcher instead of your assault rifle, but because you get assault rifle time with medic too. In you case you don't play medic alot, but in most cases people do. If you don't have enough assault rifle time from two classes to overcome your GL time, something is wrong. Their are always exceptions, and your case seems to be one of them. However, I do look at your stats and tend to think that you are one of those people that when they miss with their first grenade, they start jumping around reloading instead of switching to their rifle. Not that I'm complaining, just means your an easy target for me.
Actually the problem is that: the re-load is almost as long as switching modes on the rifle, the switch to the pistol is faster, than just switching modes on a rifle you are already holding in your fake pixel hands - that's STUPID game-coding IMO.

And your opinion would have been more correct of me (a while ago) as STATs change with time and playing experience - mine use to suck even more than they do now. But good play [now] is averaged back into the total SUCK-play of the past.
prince of insufficient light
M16A2 draw time: 1.2 seconds        M203 reload time: 3.8 seconds
AK-47 draw time: 1.2 seconds         GP-25 reload time: 3.7 seconds
AK-101 draw time: .7 seconds         GP-30 relaod time: 3.1 seconds

However on your second point yes, I agree that stats change drastically over time. If there had been a graph option that show me time with that weapon I would have used it, but I had no way to tell. I knew that I could be wrong, and was, but I knew at least that either you hadn't changed or you have changed recently enough that you haven't overcome your old stats yet.

I'd probably have a 1.5 k/d for the last week.
. . .

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

M16A2 draw time: 1.2 seconds        M203 reload time: 3.8 seconds
AK-47 draw time: 1.2 seconds         GP-25 reload time: 3.7 seconds
AK-101 draw time: .7 seconds         GP-30 relaod time: 3.1 seconds

However on your second point yes, I agree that stats change drastically over time. If there had been a graph option that show me time with that weapon I would have used it, but I had no way to tell. I knew that I could be wrong, and was, but I knew at least that either you hadn't changed or you have changed recently enough that you haven't overcome your old stats yet.

I'd probably have a 1.5 k/d for the last week.
Curious where did you get those times from?

I can't say I based them on those supposed facts, but basing it on my opinion of FEEL (in-game) rather than those possible facts (of possible in-game times), but it doesn't seem to me you understood my point.

From the time I draw the pistol to it actually firing and swithing modes from the GL to assualt rifle witch doesn't require to be drawn as your holding IT IN YOUR FAKE HANDS. Often - when I switch to assult rifle (mode) in semi-CQB I get ZERO shots off - while with the pistol I do get shots off. It does not make sense that you can't just flip a switch and shoot with the rifle your already HOLDING in your FAKE pixel hands. The GL is an attachment not another weapon; you don't have to draw it. That was my point more or less in  case you missed it.

Also as far as STATs go - I could care less about them - they're pretty meaningless to me; except that the numbers did add up to something: weapon un-locks; and those I wouldn't have - unless I had the numbers.


Last edited by topal63 (2006-01-13 11:03:02)

prince of insufficient light
Yeah I got your point, and I think it is valid, but that's not the way they made the game, and as we have seen, no mater how stupid the commmunity thinks something is, EA really just doesn't care. I think it's especially frustrating since when you draw your GL you flip a switch but when you  go back to your rifle you have to draw a whole other weapon. The fact is however this is the way it is, EA probably isn't going to change it, so we have to learn to deal with it.

As for where i got them....

Right here on this great site! Thanks Chuy!

BTW the pistol draw time is .8 seconds so yes, you probably could get a couple more shots off. .4 seconds is a lot in an fps.

TehSeraphim wrote:

Kusunagi wrote:

Yes! I've prayed for a patch like this, and now it's finally coming. Now we can all fight like normal soldiers instead of a bunch of clowns who hop, dive and use the gl like their life's are depending on it.
Yes! I'm glad people can't adapt to other people's playing styles, learn to use different areas of the map (i.e. ones not involving close combat) and deal with a weapon.  Personally, after the patch comes out I might just use regular grenades and toss them right next to me, suiciding and taking someone with me.  I don't really care about the points, I just really want to piss everyone off.

If you can't learn to adapt to how people play you will never make it in this game.  I guarantee you that once the patch comes out and the noobtube is nerfed and bunnyhopping/dolphin diving reduced, players will find a new style of how to play which will still annoy everyone, netting in another round of bitching for Dice/EA to get rid of something.  As for anyone who complains about these weapons or styles of play belonging to people with no skill, if you can't shoot someone who is moving, or learn to shoot someone from a distance instead of being close enough for them to NOOB tube you (GL in close quarters) then it is indeed you who has no skill.
youre a fucking moron.  its not about failing to adapt, its not that hard to kill bunny hopping noob tubers usually, its that it completely ruins the immersion factor of the game.  it sucks when you have a well thought out strategy, working as a squad giving covering fire etc, then all of a sudden some jerkoff comes around the corner bounding around like flipper.  has not place in a present-day military themed game.  if you cant stand not being able to bunny hop so much, go play Quake ya tool.

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